1030 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1457. 1905. V°r ”· P· m- vessels of above fifteen tons burden carrying freight or passengers for hire ro lled b fluid, na htha or electric motors, shall be, and 1 P pc y gags P s _ are gereby,dmade subjectftohalhithe piugristrops off stelpti%n ftogrétygtfptnér h d twenty-six o the vise ta u es o e ni s rdlgtiiig mathe insplection of hulls and boilers and requiring engineers ,.ff*°*°¤¤°¤*°* **1* and pilots, and for any violation of the provisions of this title applirsmny. cable to such vessels, or of rules or regulations lawfully establis ed thereunder, and to the extent to which suph plrovisions of lag and re lations are so applicable the said vesse s their masters, officers, p_$-·”°°”~“’°*5°°· angluowners shall be_subject to the provisions of sections forty-four hundred and ninety-six, forty-four hundred and ninety-seven, forty- four hundred and ninety-eight, forg-four hundred and ninety-nine, and forty-Eve hundred, relating to e imposition and enforcement of pegalties arp: the enforcepient of law; d d d f f h `nzo. 5. at section orty-four un re an orty-nine o the Revised Shatutes of the United States be, and it is hereby, amended to readasfo ws: · R·°'°,f“§}° 0‘{,,,{,‘Q.“; “Sso. 4449. If any licensed omcer shall, to the hindrance of commx M Muni w meme, wrongfully or unreasonably refuse to-servein his official capa- °°§'_§_?.lf‘°_q;_,,m_ city on any vesel asanthorized by the terms of his certificate -of license, •"”“°°‘* or shall fail to deliver to the applicant for such service at the time of - such refusal, if the sage shall be depnanded, a stptement in writing · >' good and su cient reasons ere or ori any pilot or engineer shall refuse to admit into the pilot house, or engine room any lperson whom the master or owner of the vessel may desire to place there for the purpose of learning the profession, his license shall be revoked 0;* suspended upon the same procepldfngsas are provided in other cases o revocation or suspension of suc icenses. Sec. 6. That section forty-four hundred and fifty-two of the Revised Stptutes of the United States be, and it is hereby, amended to read as o lows: ‘ p,,'},§’,§}‘,2,Q,’;,f§,‘§g,,',‘f,,‘{“' "Sec. 4452. Whenever any board of local inspectors refuses to gégag-M.v-W. grant a license to ang person applying for the same, or suspends or ' rcvokes the license o any master, mate, engineer, or pilot, any person deeming himself wronged by such refusal, suspension, or revocation, may, withip ghirgzy days hgherelpf, on applicatéqn to the supprvising ins ctor o the istrict ve is case examin anew by suc superyisiiilg inspector; and the. local board shall furnish to the supervisin inspector, in writing, the masons for its doings in the premises; and pac sppervising inspector shall examine the case anew, and he shall ave the same powers to summon witnesses and com el their attendance and toadminister oaths that are conferred on llocal inspectors; and such witnesses and the marshal shall be paid in the same manner as provided for by the preceding section; and such supervisin Lmsépelctor revoke, (phange, or bmoldifiv {the decision of such locall r ; an 1 e procee ings may a y an master or ow r of any steam vessel in relation to the inspection di such vessel, di? her boilers or machinery, by any such local ard; and in case of repairs, and in any invepltigatiqn or inspection, where there shall be a disagreement_bctween the oca inspectors, the supervisin ins ctor wh éppcpls no seg: requested, shall investigate and decide the case. glu cgs ofltriagnfbil mf" “""°°“" the revocation or suspension of an otiicer’s license, where either the license has been revoked or suspension for more than six months has been made, and such action has been affirmed by the supervising inspector. the officer whose license is in question may have the case examined anew by the Supervising Inspector—(}eneral, who shall have the same powers to summon witnesses, to com l their attendance, and to administer oaths as are conferred on localleinspectors, and the Supervising Inspector-General may revoke, change, or modify said
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1117