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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1118

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. Ill. Ch. 1457. 1905. 103]. decisions. Agplication for such reexamination of the case shall be Applications. made to the upervising Inspector-General within thirty days after final decision by the supervising inspector." Sec. 7. That section forty-four hundred and seventy of the Revised Statutes of the UnitedStates be, and it is hereby, amended to read as o ows: " Sec. 4470. Every steamer carryin assen ers or freight shall be Fm P'°°““°¤°— provided with suitable pipes and valvgs lsittachgd to the bdiler to con- ¤¤fféni5<i<i?`“70’p`865' vey steam into the hold and to the different compartments thereof to extinguish fire, or such other suitable apparatus as may be prescribed by the regulations of the board of supervising inspectors, with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, for extinguishin c,’,},§0P:{Q,“;‘;§(f‘g,;‘”j,g* fire in the hold and compartments thereof by the introduction through' pipes into such hold and ci mpartments of carbonic acid s or other fire-extinguishing gas or va or; and every stove used on bbard of any such vessel shall be well andp securely fastened, so as to prevent it from being moved or overthrown, and all woodwork or other ignitible substances about the boilers, chimneys, cook houses, and stove ipes, exposed to ignition shall be thoroughly shielded by some incomIbusti— ble material in such a manner as to leave the air to circulate freely between such material and woodwork or other ignitible substance; and before granting a certificate of inspection the inspector shall require all other necessary provisions to be made throughout such vessel to guard against loss or danger from fire." Sec. 8. That section forty-four hundred and seventy-two of the Revised Statutes of the United States be, and it is hereby, amended to read as follows: l “Sec. 4472. No loose hay, loose cotton, or loose hemp, camphene, 1z¤¤s•{;>¤¤, nggclec nitroglycerin, naphtha, benzine, benzole, coal oil, crude or refined ggmtgger sgkmsmon petroleum, or other like ex losive burning fluids, or like dangerous R*S··’°°·""“·l’·“°· articles, shall be carried as Freight or use as stores on any steamer carrying passengers; nor shall baled cotton or hemp be carried on §:{>:;>¤<>g•g such steamers unless the bales are compactly ressed and thoroughly °° n' covered and secured in such manner as shall) be prescribed by the regulations established by the board of supervising inspectors with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor; nor shall gunpowder be carried on any such vessel except under special license; nor shall oil of vitriol, nitric or other chemical acids be carried on such steamers except on the decks or guards thereof or in such other safe part of the vessel as shall be prescribed by the inspectors. Refined petroleum, which will not ignite at a temperature less than R*¢¤¤°° P¢*¤>l¢¤¤¤· one hundred and ten degrees of Fahrenheit thermometer, may be carried on board such steamers upon routes where there is no other practicable mode of transporting it, and under such regulations as shall be prescribed by the board of supervising inspectors with the upprova of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor; and oil or spirits of turpentine may be carried on such steamers when put up in good metallic vessels or casks or barrels well and securely bound with iron and stowed in a secure part of the vessel; and friction matches may be carried on such steamers when securely packed in strong, tight chests or boxes. the covers of which shall be well secured by locks, screws, or other reliable fastenings, and stowed in a safe part of the vessel at a secure distance from any fire or heat. All such other provisions shall be made on every steamer carrying *`*’°P'°°*““°¤¤~ passengers or freight, to guard against and extinguish fire, as sha I be prescribed by the board of sulpervising inspectors and approved by the Secretary of Commerce an Labor. Nothing in the foregoing or Bu(fD°;’$féS °*°·· l¤ following sections of this Act shall prohibit the transportation by `