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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1119

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1032 F1FTY-n1e11r11 ooxonsss. sm. 111. cm. 1157-1459. 1905. A"“vP·”°· steam vessels of gasoline or any of the products of petroleum when carried by motor vehicles (commonly known as automobiles) using the ` ,_€‘,'1{Q";_*§,,,m,0n same as a source of motive power: Preceded, UO?/IOOC!', That all hre, if ` any, in such vehicles orautomobiles be extinguished immediatelv after entering the said vessel, and that the same be not relighted until immediately before said vehicle shall leave the vesse { Pnomded Ugg1Q},, "’ "*f“S° f}n·t}¢e7·, That any owner, master, agent, or other person having charge ` of passenger steam vessels shall have the right to refuse to transport automobile vehicles the tanks of which contain gasoline, naphtha, or other dangerous burning i‘luids." · Sec. 9. That section forty-four hundred and ninety-eight of the Reviseid Statintes of the United States be, and it is hereby, amended to rea as fo ows: · mQ’p°§§$f§,,_““bje?’ '° “Sec. 4498. A register, enrollment, or license shall not be granted au§é,§5g‘$¢·“98·P·8°°· or other papers be issued by any collector or other chief officer of cusaegamgy, em., ae toms to any vessel subject by law to inspection under this title until §§?,§’p{§;§*wlK l,‘},{"” all the provisions of this title applicable to such vessel have been fully complied with and until the certificate of inspection required by this title for such vessel has been filed with said collector. " Sec. 10. That rule one of section fort -two hundred and thirty· three of the Revised Statutes of the United7_States be amended to read · as fo lows: mX,‘§‘§’§l§‘,*Q,mP§1Q,,°,‘},,L’,’§ "RULr1 1. Every steam vessel which is under sail and not under ¤¤¢1g_·¤¤§ r;¤§¢j;¤ P 8,5 steam shall be considered a sail vessel; and every steam vessel wh1ch améniiedf ’’ is under steam, whether under sail or not, shall be considered a steam vessel. The words steam vessel shall include any vessel propelled by machiner ." E**°¤°· Sec. l15i That this Act shall take effect and be in force on and after the first day of July, nineteen hundred and five. Approved, March 3, 1905. March 3.1905- CHAP. 1458.-An Act To extend the time for the commencement and comple- ___l¥;R· 185”¥]___ tion of a bridge across the Missouri River at or near Pierre, South Dakota. {rumm, so. 191.] . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Reoreaentattves of the United ,}‘,‘;g“g,§*;j;& ,0, States of ¢In._C2mgreea assembled, That section six of the Act menngdgappgéné aipproved July first nineteen hundred and two, authorizing the Duluth mlm C,,m,,,,,,,_ ierre and Black l·I1lls Railroad Company to construct a combined ¤‘vEQ{{"°é_§· D;} 6,,9 railroad, wagon, anpltloot-paggengeg lpudgebacrosg the Missouri Rive; amended.` ’ at or near e city o `erre, ut a ota e, an is erebv amende by extending the time for commencing thd construction of said bridge to July first, nineteen hundred and six, and by extending the time for completing said bridge to January eighth, nineteen hundred and eight. Approved, March 3, 1905. March 3, 1906. 1459.-An Act To provide for the covering into the reclamation fund cer- __Qlj_*§j’fj’{‘L_ tam proceeds of sales of property purchased by the reclamation fund. Public. No. 192.] · { Be it enacted the Senate and House of Representatives of the United §§§l?,';‘§§g'nff;;‘{f,é_ States of Amm·zea_ in Congress assembled, That there shall be covered

 w be covered into the reclamatwn fund established under the Act of June sevenv·$1.a2,p.m. teenth, nineteen hundred and two, known as the reclamation Act, the

proceeds of the sales of material utilized for temporary work and structures in connection with the operations under the said Act, as well as of the sales of all other condemned property which had been purchased under the provisions thereof, and also any moneys refunded IH connection with the operations under said reclamation Act. Approved, March 3, 1905.