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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1147

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1060 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1479. 1905. Removal or imma- Removal of intruders, Five Civilized Tribes: For the purpose of °”' removing intruders and placing allottees in unrestricted possession of their allotmentsh to be egrpendeél (prider the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, fteen thousand dollars. For clerical work and labor connected with the sale and leasing of · Creek and the leasin of Cherokee lands, fifteen thousand dollars. U¤i°¤ •8°¤¢Y· For s ial clerical force in the office of the United States Indian pelgglffllmwm °¤· Agent, Uiiion Agency, and miscellaneous expenses in connection with entlering of remittsgpctess recgived on accougt of payments (pf! tirwn lots an issuance 0 pa n , an conveying sa e, six thousand dollars. c, {)*é& FM For the completion_of the workheretofore rerguired by law to be compisaagwcnmr, done by the Commission to the F1ve C1v1l1zed ribes, and the pro- °°°' visions for investigations herein contained two hundred thousand dollars. Said approlpriation to be disbursed under the direction of the poovaa. mmm Secretary of the nterior: Provided, That the work of completing the - .,,.,¤wg°Z`.,°.,¤,°{’y°; q,,, unfinished business, if any, of the Commission to the Five Civilized ‘”*°'*°'· ;:l`hribcs shallbdcvolye upon x Seclfetary 8; the Interior;] arid thag all e were ereto ore gran to the said mmissionto the ive iviliaed)?l‘ribes are hereby conferred upon the said Secretary on and after ’ th; firlstlpfbiulky, ginetegn and Brie.}! I ~ nmucrsucmn tsa te u o te cretaryo te nteri0rt0investiga` te, l2'}?' I°°u°" T°"f or cause to be investtigated, any lease of allotted land in the?`Indiau ”*'°°°*¢***°” °*· Territory which he has reason to believe has been obtained byiitraud, Sum to or in violation of the terms of existing agreements with any of the mudmeut 1,,,§§"°°` F iye_ Civilized Tribes, and he shall in any such case where in his ginion the evidence warrants it refer the matter to the Attorney- eperal for suit in the proper United States court to cancel tkgfgme, cancellation of an in all cases where 1t may appear to the court that any lease was ,,,,,0, obtained by fraud, or in violation of such agreements, ]udgment shall be rendered canceling the same u on such terms and conditions as equity may prescribe, and it shall Ee allowable in cases where all parties in interest consent thereto to modify any lease and to continue the Unrxayggpmmgg same as modified: Provided, N0_ lease made_by any administrator, mu °° °° execntorgguardxan or curator which has been investigated by_and has rlecenved °de_apppoH•.l)pf tlge Upged States court havuig gnilrisgécgtion of · ¤-·~············- £f‘1l’§iE°a.€£.?5r2tar§3y?é°$.s»i?‘l»?$ada.L$iaY §0‘imJ¥.$2hZ by any administrator, executor, guardian, or curator shall be valid or enforcilble without the approval of the court having jurisdiction of the rocee in . ¢,§{f°§f{,’f“m_ P To enabIe_ the President to cause, under the provisions of the Asct of February eighth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, entitled,, An Act_to provide for the allotment of lands in severalty to Indians, such Indian reservations as in his ]udgment are advantageous for agricultural and grazing purposes to be surveyed or resurveyed, for the purposes of said Act, and to complete the allotment of the same, inclu ing the necessary clerical work incident thereto in the field and in the Office of Indian Affairs, and delivery of trust patents, so far as allotments shall have been selected under said Act, forty thousand dollars. l¤'i¤¤*i¤¤- For construction of ditches and reservoirs,fpurchase and use of irrigating tools andhaplpliances. an;} purplgase 0 water pighgs ongéndian ' reservations, -in the iscretion 0 themmissioner o n ian airs, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior and subject to his . control, one hundred and eighty-five thousand dollars, of which twenty-

  • "‘°*"•°- five thousand dollars shall be made immediately available: R·olz·idea’,

Skm°°°°'m°°”‘ That the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, may employ such superintendents of irrigation, who shall be skilled irrigation engineers, not to exceed four, as · in his Ludgment may be necessary to secure the construction of ditches and other irrigation works in a substantial and workmanlike manner.