FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 147 9. 1905. 1061 For Survey and subdivision of Indian reservations and of lands to uS¤rveyi¤z¤nda11otbe allotted to Indians, and to make allotments in severalty, to be ng` eppslndg by the Cpmlmissioner of IndianEAii'airs, undler the irection La ds ll tt d t 0 e cretary 0 the nterior, twenty- ve thousan dollars. And md, ’¥d,,,,1“,,§’ -°,,,,_ ° the President is hereby authorized, in hyis discretion, to allot the lands W dm of any_tribes of Indians to the individual members thereof whenever, in his judgment, it is advantageous for such Indians that such allotments be made: Provided, That any allotments which may be made of f,’{%g°_;_m m mm the Osage Reservation in Oklahoma Territory shall be made subject to neserymon. the terms and conditions of the lease herein authorized, the same bein n{€,g§§2¤¤g1;§{"C°§,§¥ a renewal as to a part of the premises covered by a certain lease dated Ngggewn mma w March sixteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, given by the Osage ` Nation of Indians to EdW1D B. Foster and approve _ by the Secretary — of the Interior and now_ owned by the Indian Territory Illuminating Oil Company under assignments approved by the Secretary of the Interior, which said lease and all subleases thereof duly executed on or before December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and four, or executed after Haut date based upon contracts made prior thereto, and which have been or shall be approved by the Secretary of the Interior, to the extent of six hundred and eighty thousand acres in the aggregate, are edI·¤¤¤· M-· ¤¤¤¤¤<¤- here?- extended for thedperiod of ten years from the sixteenth day of ' Marc , nineteen hundr and six, with all the conditions of said original l£·exeept that from and after the sixteenth day of March, nineteen hundred and six, the royalty to be paid on gas shall be one hundred be*§Q,>;f,§'scg’} 8** *0 doélalrs per alnpum on eiach gas well, og fifty gaglllaré as tgp; pro- oupgi trgatglmrg vi e in said ease, an excepthat the President o ni _ tates mm ° shall determine the amount Ei royalty to be paid for oil. Said deter- Iglji-ng of ammumination shall be evidenced by filing with the Secret:; of the Interior l':.,,,' °°" °° ’“°' on or before December thirty-first, nineteen hand and five, such determination; and the Secretary of the Interior shall immediately {nail to the Indian '1`prritory Illuminating Oil Company and each sub- ‘ essee a co thereo . That theiig shall be created an Osage Townsite Commission consisting C,f{_jg§f_,0'f_°‘{g¤?,jg of three members, one of whom shall be the United States Indian Agent created. ' at the Osage Agency, one to be a pointed by the Chief Executive of C°¤*P°°*¤°¤ °*· the Osage tribe and one by the Secretary of the Interior, who shall Ccmvenuucn. receive such compensation as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe to be paid out of the proceeds of the sale of the lots sold under this Act. That the Secretary of the Interior shall reserve from selection and ,,,£‘{‘§}* ’“° *" "“"‘ allotment thle south half of seciion four and the; ncpzlg hillfhof sectipln nine, towns i twenty-five nort , range nine eas ,o e n an mer: - ian, includingpthe town of Pawhuska, which, except the land occupied bv the Indian school buildings, the agency reservoir, the Agent’s ollice, the Council buildinlg and the residences of agency employees, and a twenty acre tract of and including the Pawhuska cemetexly, shall n,§_y:;g>g,v,;,gr;*;§§¤*~ be surveye , appraised and laid of into lots, blocks, streets an alleys by said Townsite Commission, under rules and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, business lots to be twenty_-live feet wide and residence lots fifty feet wide, and sold at public auction, after mp sold at public due advertisement, to the highest bidderlby said Togvpslite Clongpiission, ““°“°”‘ under such rules and regu ations as may prescribe y thecretary of the Interior, and the proceeds of such sale shall be placed to the mmeeggmarmm credit of the Osage tribe of Indians: Przméded, That said lots shall be pE,‘§.;§‘,,,_ “" A appraised at their real value exclusive of improszgments thc-ireor;1oiém}`,°v:,°u:PP¤¤¤d ¤* ad acent thereto and the improvements ap rai se ra e y: · m ` 1;rhz·2`zZe¢Zfa4rth07*; That anydperson, church, SiS1C0i or other association Preierence right ci in possession of any of said lots and having permanent improvements °`°°° ‘ thereon, shall have a preference right to purchase the same at the appraised value, but in case the owner of the improvements refuses or Rerumlmpmqnue.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1148