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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1149

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1062 F IFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1479. 1905. neglects to purchase the same, then such lots shall be sold at public auction at not less than the appraiser? viillue, the purchaser at such sale to have the right to take possessiono the same upon paying the occu- Town site at Hom- pant the appraised value of the improvements. There shall in like l"` manner be reserved from selection and allotment one hundred and sixt acres of land, to conform to the public surveys, including the build? ings now used by the licensed traders and others, for a town site at the town of Hominy; and the south half of thenorthwest quarter and the north half of the southwest quarter of section seven, township twenty- T<>W¤ ¤**° °* F**i'· four north range six east, for a townsite at the town of Fairfax and hiiémswry. the northeaist corner, section thirteen, towgslgip twenty-four, range five east, consisting of ten acres, to be use or cemetery urposest0'£;";,,g&d‘*‘i°°°* and two towpf sites (ga que hundred and sixty acres each on the line of the Midland alley i road Company adjacent to stations on said line not less than ten miles from Pawhuska. And the town lots at said towns of Fairfax and Hominy and at said town sites on line of the Mid-

  • "‘°·°‘°··°“°‘“· . land Valley Railroad shall be surveyeihsppmised and sold the same

mw k as éor town lolis iqeigown of Pawhusckph d h " °’ e 'scer ·e ..usldce.bean e II I - ¢¤£_ei Cm clump hereby is, authorizecfandrdirected to pay out of the une . ,ded balyment w wm, . . “ , gg"} mpmr, me mm;. auees of the appropriations for Salaries and Expenses, octaw and '•*'°"* · Court,"suel1 mnpensesas-mereincurred by the bailiif, reporter, and stenogralphers of the said court for subsistence while in the performance o their duties at the headquarters of the said court, and which remain unpaid by reason of a decision of the Comptroller of the Treasury, whether such expenses were actually paid by the disbursing clerk and disallowed by the accounting officers of the Treasury or payment refused by the disbursin clerk in the fi tta • g rs ins noe. . Qvrzgggufggbr- To maintain at the city of Omaha, Nebraska, in the discretion of ` the Secretary of the Interior, a warehouse for the receipt, storage, and shipping of goods for the Indian Service, ten thousan dollars. §v·;Q;bi;>u*;*· M°· To maintain at the cigy of Saint Louis, Missouri, in the discretion ` of, the Secretary of the nterior, a warehouse for the recei t stora , and shippingeof goods for the Indian Service, ten thousand) dollarsgc §,‘g‘gf}*,f·Q‘0,’,§f,';;A_ That the cretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to place to the credit of Howel P. Myton the sum of seven hundred and ninety- six dollars and fourteen cents, being the amount charged against him as money paid to unlawfulguenrol ed members of said tribes while Indian agent, Uintah and ray Agency, Utah, during his term of service ending March thirty-first, nineteen hundred and three. RF¤r¢ peck Indhm For the resurvey and subdivision of a portion of the Fort Peck °a`°e;uvi°v?;'m·. Ingian Reservation, in the State of Montana, seventeen thousand dollars. ’r¤r¢let_Mounr¤in For pavment of certain squatters on the Turtle Mountain Reserva- R`£{Kl`sil{"`m ..1...;- tion for their improvements, namely, Francois Le Forte, five hundred “’” °"· and ten dollars; Co1il>etdBee5cier, six hundred and thirtyddollars; William Bercier three un r and fifty-eig t dollars: an Joseph Bercier, two hufidred and seventy-five dollars; in all, one thousand seven nam. _ hundred and seventy-three dollars: Provided, That they shall upon c,y£eg&§¤¤¢¤* 0* payment relinquish all claim to the_ lands they are occupying and , remove from tilhefeservation at such time as may be prescribed y the Secretary of the nterior. ·*“’°’*“·=*“‘*°'°°“- To pay Albert M. Anderson, formerly agent at the Colville Agency, Paymmm State of Washington, for expenses incurred in bringing a delegation ` of Colville Indians from the Colville Agency to Washington and return gn January, pineseeg hutpdred, as apprqyed by the Secretary of the _ nterior six un re an two dollars an fifty cents. www R°’°" To enable the President to cause, under the provisions of the Act of M¤¤¢¤¤¤¤ · March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, entitled “An Act to