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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1212

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1482. 1905. 1125 Improving Northeast and Black rivers and Cape Fear River above N¤rf·1¤¤•¤=¤¤dB1~=k Wilmington, North Carolina: For maintenance, nine thousand dollars. $$3; §?°l;F°°° Fm _ Improving Cape Fear River at and below Wilmington, North Caro- .,°gP° "°°' m'°'· 11na: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, one hundred and " ' fifty thousand dollars: Profvéded, That a contract or contracts may be P¤·<>vi¤<>¤· entered into by the Secretary of War for such materials and work as C°°m°t°' may be necessary to prosecute said improvement, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate three hundred thousand dollars, exclusive of the amounts erein and heretofore appropriated: Prmzidedfurtloa, That M¤¤1¤¤¤¤<>¤¤ the Secretary of War may cause an examination to be made of said grliprovemergs, witlla a view to determining whether any modifications erein are esira e. thImpr<:1viingl Winyah Bay, South Carolina: For »maintenance, ten wmyeb Bay,S.C. ousan dollars. . Improving harbor at Charleston, South Carolina: Continuing im- Charleston,S.C. provement and for maintenance, twenty-five thousand dollars: Pro- mma. vided, That the Secretary of War may, in his discretion, cause the Dredzudredges employed in this work to be utilized, at such times as they are not employed 1u dredging on the outer bar, for dredging in the chan- . nels between said outer bar and the city of Charleston. Improving Waccamaw River, North Carolina and South Carolina, Waccamaw mm, and Little Pedee River, South Carolina: (bntinuing improvement and §.;,,°ji{$'§{l glfléfm Pt for maintenance, fifteen thousand dollars. Im rovin Great Pedee River, South Carolina: For maintenance, em: reuse mver, five thousani dollars. S` c' . Impdroving Santee, Wateree, and Congaree rivers, and the Esther- sunceeh wut.-ee, ville- inim Creek Canal, South Carolina: Continuing improvement g’EY°°° v°”’ °t°" and for maintenance, fifty thousand dollars, and the Secretary of War may expend upon such improvement the unexpended balance of the appropriation heretofore made for a lock and dam in the Congaree River provided for by the Act of March third, eighteen hundre and Vol- We-1137- ninetv-nine. Imt roving the inland waterway between Charleston and Beaufort, Clfgggozow Iggy including W appoo Cut, South Carolina: Continuing improvement and nm, s. c. for maintenance, twenty thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Savannah, Georgia: Continuing irplprovement S”"“““”**·G°· and for maintenance, seventy-five thousand dollars: Provided, That a {,:‘,ff;’é"_ contract or contracts may be entc red into by the Secretary of War for such materials and work as may be necessary to complete said project, to be paid for as appro riations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate two hundred and ten thousand _ dollars, exclusive of the amounts herein and heretofore appropriated. Improving harbor at Brunswick, Georgia: Continuing iuiplrovement B¤¤¤¤W¤¤¤. Gnand for maintenance, forty thousand dollars: I7·w•Jded, at of the cmd amount herein appropriated five thousand dollars, or so much thereof i ' as may he necessary, may be used for maintaining in Academy Creek, immediately in front of and adjacent to the wharves thereof, to the old Altamaha Canal, a depth equal to the controlling de th on the shoals at the lower end of the citv in East River: 1’1·0z·zd;dj}n·tM<1·, ` That no money shall be expended inside harbor lines heretofore or m§égg“g;°‘¤'°¤ **· hereafter established in said Academy Creek, and the Secretary of War` is authorized and directed to cause a survey to be made of Brunswick Harbor with a view to securing a depth on the outer bar equal to the controlling depth in the inner harbor, and maintaining the depths over said bar and in said harbor. Improving Cumberland Sound. Georgia and Florida: For mainte- G2_*;l¤},>€,£{3¤¤S¤¤¤d· napce, thirty phousand] ¢%pllars.G C IA B m rovin Savanna iver, `eor ia: ontinuin im rovement an: *¤_"·*¤¤¤_ __ ivet for mliiintenlince, fifteen thousand dollars. of whiclgil amliunt two thou- abuwmgu fGa`