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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1213

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1126 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1482. 1905. sand dollars may in the discretion of the Secretary of War, be expended on said river above Augusta. Georgia.

  • l°°'*‘**h°R*"°'·G"· Improving Altamaha River, Georgia: Continuing improvement and

for maintenance ten thousand dollars. °°°”°° R“’“·G°· Improving Odonee River, Georgia: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, fifteen thousand dollars, three thousand dollars of whlgch may be used to cleap out said rivg from Georgia Railroad . bri ge to the northern boun ary of Green ounty, Georgia. °°“‘“lg°°R"°'·G“· Improving Ocmulgee River, Georgia: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, fifteen thousand dollars, of which amount five thousand gpllars may be used for maintenance and repairs of works at and near acon. W¤¢S="<>¤°<*·S"¤¤j Improving inside water route from Savannah, Georgia to Fernan- ]iiiii£,(i·iéC to mmm dina,hF1orid3:dCHmpleting improvement and for mainteriance, forty- one thousand dollars. G£¤°¤"°Y N¤·¤°"=’·· Improving Skidaway Narrows, Georgia, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Lumbered Four hundred and .fifty, Fifty-eighth Congress, second session, and for maintenance, twgrlrty thousainfl dollars. Film R“‘¢*·6¤- proving int River Geor ia: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, twenty thorisand <Iollars. m_°g:“jf1*(g°§l¤:° RW Improving Chattahoochee River, Georgia and Alabama, below Colum- ’' Bus, h eorgiazdtlgntinuing improvement and for maintenance, seventy- ve thousand dollars. Ag*f°°°R*'°’·°°·°°d Improving Coosa River, Georgia and Alabama, between Rome, Georgia, and Lock Numbered our, Alabama: For maintenance, _ twenty-Eve thousand dollars. K°’“°’°· m- Improving harbor at Key West, Florida, and the entrance thereto: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, fifty thousand dollars. smscm Buy. Fla. Improving Saraspta Bay·,(f1`kprida; Continuing improvement and for maintenance five thousand dollars. ‘ Hillsboro B&)',Fla. improving Hillsboro Bay, Florida, in accordance with the report su mrtted in House Document Numbered Three hundred and six . Fgfty-eightéh Copgressixsepond segsion, wgth a vie: tg obgziiréing a éleptli o twent eet rom the ower ay tot e mont o Hi s oro iver ggg¤;>gg one hunched thousand dollars: Provided, That a contract or contracts ' may be entered into by the Secretary of War for such materials and work as may be necessary to complete said portion of the project recommended in said} report, to be paid for as1apprgpriations111ay· from time to time be ma e y law not to excee in tie a gregate three hundred and forty-eight thoirsand three hundred and fifty dollars. exclusive of the amounts herein and heretofore appropriated: Pm- R¢·¤‘i¤¢i<>¤- ·va°dedj}¢rthe1·, That such impro_vement shall not include that portion of the said pro]ect located rn Hillsboro R1ver. Tampa Buy. Fla. h[r£proving Tampa Bay, Florida; The S€('I'0tHI‘)' of “'H1‘ miljilexpélld t e a ance remainin to the cre it of said improvement wit a view to securing a channegdepth of twenty-six feet, with sufficient width: {Q,’;;‘gge chmw Provided, That no part of said balance on hand shall be expended ` unless the dock corrgnyr or companies owning docks, wharves. or terminals at Tampa y shall, bg valid contract, agree that the wharfgge charges at such terminals s all be submitted to the Secretary of ar and be subject to his approval. ‘ ,,3;**;.*;:*** *>¤*· Em Improving East Pass an Carabelle bar and harbor, Florida: Con- `_ tinuing improvement, fifteen thousand dollars. ,.,j§}’“*°°’·“°°‘¤ BW Improving Apalachicola Bay, Florida: Continuing improvement and . for maintenance, forty thousand dollars, which amount, or so much glrggetpf tags nrlay bel necessary, sihall) be egpengedkwilgh a Sew to coing e c anne over e ou er ar an rn in c ann . 1>e¤m¤1•,1m. Ilnpproving harbor at Pensasolaf Florida: Continuing improvement an or maintenance, one hun re thousand dollars.