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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1214

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1482. 1905. 1127 Improving Blackwater- and U r East bavs and Blackwater River B"‘°""’“‘°“?“** UV Florida, from Milton to the mogg in accordance with the report sub; glackliigiepnsshiigil mitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and ninety-three, Fu" Fifty-eighth Congress, second session, ten thousand dollars. Improving Saint Johns River, Florida: Continuin im rovement Fhmui ·I°h” R*'°*· and for maintenance, one hundred thousand dollars: That a Mme. contract or contracts may be entered into by the Secretary of I/Var °°"°"°°" for such materials and work as may be necessary to complete said project, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed ID the aggregate three hundred and nine • thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars, exclusive of the amounts herein and heretofore appropriated. , ’ Improving Saint Johns River, Florida, at Orange Mills Flats: Con- F,Q"“¥° Mlm Fl"°· tinuing improvement, twenty-tive thousand dollars. ` d Improving Volusia bar, Florida: For maintenance, two thousand V°“‘““ l’“•““- o ars. Improving Oklawaha River, Florida: Continuing improvement and F§F1““"‘ Rl""' for maintenance, two thousand dollars. Improving Indian River, between Goat Creek and Jupiter Inlet, I“°”‘“ m"°’·““· Florida: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, twenty thousand dollars, and the Secretary of War shall cause a survey to be made of Sebastian Inlet. _ Improving Kissimmee River, Florida: Continuing improvement and F,l5“'l“"“°° R“`°"· for maintenance, seven thousand dollars. Improving Orange River, Charlotte Harbor, and Caloosahatchee ,,,§§“{}€,$,,I$,t‘y2,;{f,*,§§,‘,§l River, Flonda: For maintenance, three thousand dollars. ¤¤*>¤¤¤¤ Rim. FM- Imgroving Crystal, Anclote, Suwanee, and Withlacoochee rivers, w,?,‘,?,Q§i“lg,f‘,f,‘°t‘{$;$‘jj Flori a: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, forty thousand ¢<>¢><=¤¤¢ ¤*¤¤»Fi¤- dollars, of which amount the sum of fifteen thousand dollars each may be expended on the Crystal and Withlacoochee, and five thousand dollars each on the Anclote and Suwanee rivers. _ Il1`.lPl‘0Vl.I1g Manatee River, Florida, in accordance with the report u‘“”°° B"'°'·"* submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and seventeen, F ifty-eighth Congress, second session. ten thousand dollars. _ . For the removal of the water hyacinth from the navigable waters of {L‘§,',‘,‘,],?‘,,, 0, Wm, the State of Florida so far as it IS or may become an obstruction to ¤»‘¤°*¤}h— navigation, twenty-five thousand dollars: 1%·0w°ded, That no chemical {:f;f}€[,’,,,, c,,,,,,,,,.,,, Igohezs inglrious to cattle which may feed upon the water hyacinth P¤>°¤¤·· s a e us ._ imp.-Ott. Apaimncon nam, Florida, anaumng the cu:-oa, and ..t?‘?t?“""‘"“"*'· the lower Chipola River, also the upper Chiipola River from Marianna to its mouth: Continuing improvement an for maintenance, twelve thousand dollars. chocmwhmchw Improving Choctawhatchee River, Florida and Alabama: Continn- nlm. rm. ing improvement and for maintenance, ten thousand dollars, of which amount six thousand dollars shall be ex ended between Newton and Geneva, Alabama, and four thousand dollars for dredging the channel - at Cypress Top outlet of said river. _ Improving Holmes River, Florida, from Vernon to its mouth: Con- H°““°* R"°’· *"“· tinuing improvement and for maintenance. two thousand dollars. _ Improving Escambia and Conecuh rivers, Florida and Alabama: ,.,,F,;"’§§?Q’,§l",‘!,‘,l$"§,'§,§ For maintenance, ten thousand dollars. Am. · Improving harbor at Mobile, Alabama: Continuing improvement “°b#“’··“”· and for maintenance, two hundred thousand dollars: Provirled, That f}’,{’Q‘,§,§,,,,_ not more than ten thousand dollars of such amount ma , in the discretion of the Secretary of \Var, be used in the removal of, dead heads, sunken logs, and other obstructions arising from the freshets on the rivers entering into Mobile Bay: B·0z•¢`derZj?/7‘fhe2·, That the Secretary ug*¤d€i¤8·<¤¤··¤¤¤¤· of \Var may cause a survey and estimate to be made of the cost of ` dredging and deepening the said channel to a depth of twenty-seven