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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1220

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1482. 1905. 1133 investment in such locks and dams, after deducting the cost of maintenance and operation, reckoned from the beginning, and based on the total initial cost; such locks and dams to be kept and maintained by _ such corporation without expense to the Government: Prm>idedjin·- }T>H§"§°°5g Mmmmt/ter. That this franchise shall not be effective unless said corporation "°°» °°°· shall commence in good faith the construction of such improvement within eighteen months after the completion and operation of lock and _ dam numbered twenty-one on said river, and shall afford a permanent navigable stage, within the next succeedin five years, of at least six feet in depth, by means of such locks and dams, to the mouth of Rock Castle River; That said corporation shall file with the Secretary of War, before B°°d· beginning its construction of such lock and dam, a suitable bond, to be approve by him, conditioned to pay all reasonably prospective damages arising from trespass or overflow or other injury to private rights; That the right to collect tolls shall cease at the expiration of forty Golleotlorl of¢ol1¤· years from the date of completion of lock and dam numbered twenty- Ti"’°u"m` one on said river, and that upon the ceasing of the right to collect tolls , ` the United States may assume the possession, care, operation, main- ¤£l$°g°ggii’ m°mi°` tenance, and management of the lock or locks so constructed, without compensation to any person or persons or corporation, but without in any weaiy impairing the right or ownership of the water power and dams creat by said corporation, which shal continue the care and maingenance of such dams_ without interference on the part of the United tates; . Congress reserves the right to alter, amend, or repeal any of the "”°““"‘°"'~ prpvisions of this in so far is it relates to this franchiclseg · H mprovement 0 ennessee iver, ennessee above ttanooga: l mm,,g,'"· Continuing improvement and for maintenance, fifty thousand dollars, mech of which amount not more than five thousand dollars may, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, be expended in the improvement of Little Tennessee River. lm roving Tennessee River: Continuing improvement at Colbert s,f§’,}ff"““‘B°°T”° and Igee Tree Shoals by the construction of a lateral canal, two hundred thousand dollars: P7·¢w2'r?ed, That a contract or contracts may be $Y,'f‘,fé¤_ entered into by the Secretary of War for such materials and work as may be necessary for the prosecution of said project, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate two hundred thousand dollars, exclusive of the amounts herein and heretofore appropriated. Improving Tennessee River rom Hobbs Island to Guntersville, G,§$§‘,Q‘,,,{j"j{j§_ ‘° Alabama: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, fifteen thou- ` sand dollars. Improving Tennessee River, Tennessee: Continuing improvement §'j,‘{,jfg§‘{;Q°· by the partial construction of lock gates at the lock projected at or nenr Scotts Point, together with the cost of superintendence and the pre aration of plans to be made by the United States, ten thousand _ dolliirs: 1%·m~ided, That a contract or contracts may be entered into §[,'Q,§L;,s_ by the Secretary of \Var for such materials and work as may be necessary for the further prosecution of said work. to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law. not to exceed in the aggrcfate forty thousand dollars exclusive of the amount herein appropriate . _ mproving Tennessee River. Tennessee. below Riverton: Continuing Below ummm. improvement and for maintenance, thirty thousand dollars. _ _mproving French Broad and Little Pigeon rivers, Tennessee: I<or ul;‘,*;“§{gg;Q°f,‘$’;;l maintenance, two thousand dollars. Tenn. Improving Clinch and Hiwassce rivers. Tennessee: Continuing _,,g`lj{{};};i%gf¤}}l*¤* improvement and for maintenance. six thousand dollars." '