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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1221

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1134 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1482. 1905. mgw saucy mm-, Im roving Bi Sandy River and Tug and Levisa forks, West Virginia °°°" ‘V”‘ and Kentucky: Tor maintenance and for improving the mouth of the Bi Sandy, forty-three thousand dollars. rant or the emo Improving the Falls of the Ohio River at Louisville, Kentucky: For R""' L°'""m°' Ky' maintenance and alteration of the existin dam, eighty thousand ollars. cmu mm-, xy. Improving Green River, Kentucky, above the mouth of Big Barren River: Continuin improvement and for maintenance, five thousand ,{,’f,'{{§‘§,v€,_ dollars: Providag That the Secretary of War may, in his discretion, , expend such portion of said amount as may be necessary for the removal of snpgs in Nolin_River. _ §§§,§$,$}§.,§’,§§’,f§· ,0 _ Improving_ entucky River, Kentucky: The Secretary of Vlfar may, Ggrk ¤¤¤¤¢v. Kr. ID his discretion, use so much of the funds heretofore appropmated for °the improvement of said river as may be necessary to repay the county court of Clark County, Kentucky, the reasonable cost expended by it in constructing the county bridge across Two Mile Creek, in Clark County, Kentucky, and to repair the damage to the county road caused by the construction of Lock and Dam Numbered Ten at Ford, Kentucky. Kentucky River, Kentucky: Continuing improvement by the con- _ struction of Lock and Dam Numbered Twelve, fifty thousand dollars. T°1°d°·°*“°· Improving harbor at Toledo, Ohio: For maintenance, twenty thou- _ sand dollars. P°" C““*°'·‘· °"*°· Improvin harbor at Port Clinton, ·Ohio: For maintenance, two thousand dodlars. S““"}""‘*'· Om- Improving harbor at Sandusky, Ohio: Continuing im rovement and P"”`”"“· for maintenance, one hundred and twenty-five thousandp dollars: Pw- C°¤°”°”- vided, That a contract or contracts may be entered into by the Secretary of \Var for such materials and work as may be necessary to complete said improvement, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made b law, not to exceed in the aggregate four hundred and eighty thousand, dollars, exclusive of the amounts herein and hereto- D’°*’gi°8· fore appropriated: Provided further, That from the adopted project there shall be omitted the rock dredging near to the wharves at - Sandusky Harbor, except that portion thereof which is included in a contract or contracts already made. H¤¤>¤· 0*=i¤~ Improvinv harbor at Huron, Ohio, in accordance with the report submitted in Ilouse Document Numbered One hundred and twenty-two, Fifty-eighth Congress, second session, sixty-eight thousand five hunggfgéu dre dollars: Provided, That a contract or contracts may be entered ` into by the Secretary of War for such materials and work as may lm necessary to complete the said improvement, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in t ie aggregate two hundred thousand dollars, exclusive of the amounts herein and heretofore appropriated. _ V"m*'*°¤· 0**0- Improving harbor at Vermilion, Ohio: For maintenance, fifteen thousand dollars. ¤**·**¤*·0****’· Improving harbor at Lorain, Ohio: Completing improvement and for maintenance, eighty-tive thousand dollars. €’*°”l*=“*"· 0****- Improving harbor at Cleveland, Ohio: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, two hundred thousand dollars.

  • `°*'P°'*· ‘~”“°· Improving harbor at Fairport, Ohio: Continuing improvement and
  • "°"'i"?· for maintenance, one hundred and thirty-tive thousand dollars: B·o-

Breukwmr. {vided. That the Secretary of War may in his discretion, cause the westerly arm of the breakwater in said harbor to be extended to a point at or near the shore, the expense thereof to be paid from the appropriations herein and heretofore made.

  • “"“"‘““· °'“°· llm roving harbor at Ashtabula, Ohio: Continuing improvement

and fdr maintenance, twenty thousand dollars; and the unexpended balance on hand to the credit of said im rovement, or so much thereof as may be necessary, may be expended) by the Secretary of \Var for the extension of the westerly arm of the breakwater in said harbor to