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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1222

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. IH. Ch. 1482. 1905. 1135 a point at or near the shore, in accordance with the recommendation of the Chief of Engineers. , Improving Conneaut Harbor, Ohio: Continuing improvement and C°““°”“°»O"‘°- for maintenance, sixty thousand dollars. ` Improving Muskingum River, Ohio: Continuing improvement, ¤¥¤¤ki¤s¤m River. eight thousand dollars. Ohm Improving Muskingum River, Ohio: For the rebuilding of lock and Leek ¤¤{··¤¤h _—·f <m·¤n River to Cairo, with a view to determining whether an increased depth m15X;,,?.':,f.il}fg,,,,..,_ can be maintained by use of dredges. _ Improving Ohio River in the State of Pennsylvania: By the com- Yi~_<;i§~4¤5i·1 Haynpletion of locks and dams numbered two, three, four, and tive, and the ‘ i" "" ‘°` "° °' moclitication of said locks and dams and of lock and dam numbered six so as to secure a stage of nine feet in the pools belonging thereto, tive hundred thousand dollars: ]’;·m·a'J;»r/, That a contract or ggmmcts {nay Prorism _ be entered into by the Secretary of lVar for such materials and work as C°°m`°t°` may be necessary for the completion of said improvement, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law. not to exceed in the aggregate one million two hundred and eighty-one thousand three hundred and seventy-six dollars, exclusive of the amounts herein and heretofore appropriated. Improving Ohio River in Ohio and YVest Virginia: By the comple~ Locks x¤—.»im.1 ir tion of locks numbered eight and eleven, one hundred and sixty thousand dollars: }’mz·»`dcJ, That a contract or contracts may be entered e~»··ie·. into by the Secretary of War for such materials and work as may be °°"°”°”’ necessary to complete the said locks, to be paid for as appropriations