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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1223

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1136 F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. HI. Ch. 1482. 1905. may from time to time be made bylaw, not to exceed in the aggregate one hundred and sixty thousand dollars, exclusive of the amounts _ herein and heretofore appropriated. 19]*0*]* ““d Dm l`°· Improving Ohio River, with a view to the construction of lock and ` dam numbered nineteen, one hundred thousand dollars; and for urchase of site for lock and dam numbered twenty-six, thirty-five thou- §,QQ§f;‘?*‘,,,c_ sand dollars: Provided, That no part of said amounts shall be expended ' until the survey of the Ohio River herein provided for shall have been completed and such project as may be recommended on consideration , and review of the same shall be adopted by Congress: Provided fm-- p,§;;;§,f‘°“ °* "P¥"°‘ ther, That in case said locks and dams are not provided for by Con- - gress, the amounts herein appropriated shall revert to the general _ fund for the improvement of the Ohio River. °“‘°“"g°"· M‘°"· Improvin harbor at Ontouagon, Michigan: For maintenance, three j thousand dohars. M“"*“‘·’“°·”‘°"· Improvin harbor at Marquette, Michigan: For maintenance, three thousand doTars. _ M§,’§_"*“°‘°° B“"· Improving harbor at Marquette Bay, Michigan, harbor of refuge; For maintenance, one thousand dollars. “’““““°"““·m°"· Improving harbor at Grand Marais, Michigan, harbor of refuge: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, fifty thousand dollars. GM¤¤>¤¤·Mi<=¤- Improving harbor at Gladstone, Michigan, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and gizipy-five, Fifty-eighth Congress, second session, fourteen thousand o ars. M"“’“iq“°· mm Improving harbor at Manistique, Michigan, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Four hundred and twenty-nine, F ifty-eighth Congress, second session, twenty-five thousand dollars. S“¤° J°°°Ph· Mich- Improving harbor at Saint Joseph, Michigan: Continuing improve- _ ment and for maintenance, fifteen thousand dollars. . S°“"‘ H“"°’M‘°h‘ Improving harbor at South Haven, Michigan, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and nineteen, Fifty-eighth Congress, second session, fifty thousand dollars: ghfgféh Provided, That no portion of such amount shall be used, except for maintenance of existing channels, until proper dock lines sha have been established and suitable bulkheads shall have been built alon these lines by the city of South Haven, or by the rigirian owners. and the propert lying on the channel side of these doc lines shall have been deeded, to the United States, free of cost, all pursuant to the 4 plan of improvement recommended in said House document. _ _ mff§}g,°;‘;`:z°0H,{*,;*;j_f Improving Saugatuck Harbor and Kalamazoo River, Michigan: Mich. gcangxnuing improvement and for maintenance, SOV€Hhy·t1V€% thousand 0 rs. . Laligllggf 3*** Improving harbor at Holland, Black Lake, Michigan: Continuing 1>¤}m»».` im rovement and for maintenance, sixty-tive thousand dollars: Pro- °°“""°“‘ vidzed, That the Secretary of War may enter into a contract or contracts for such materials and work as may be necessary for the prosecution _ of said project, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate one hundred and ten thousand dollars, exclusive of the amounts herein and heretofore appro-

  • ‘°‘*m°°**°¤· priated: Pr·ovidedfm·the¢·, That the United States engineer in char e

may, subject to the approval of the Chief of Engineers, modify the existing project by the widenin of the harbor entrance. G’““‘m“"°“-““°h· Improving harbor at Grand I-Iaven, Michi an: Continuing improvement and for maintenance. thirty thousand dbllars. ~ · M““k°g°”·m°*‘· Improving harbor at Muskegon, Michigan: Continuing improve- P t ment and for maintenance, one hundred thousand dollars._ _ 4 wh{}§L§';'gf§§c§_“° Improving harbors at Pentwater and White Lake, Michigan: For maintenance, twenty thousand dollars.