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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1224

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. IH. Ch. 1482. 1905. 1137 Improving harbor at Ludington, Michigan: For maintenance, ten L“‘““¤*°“·M*°"- thplglsaréz do lars. e t cretary of War is hereby authorized to a int a board of ‘H“"°” °* L'§“”€‘ engineers to inquire into the effect of wave action aspiliiiuriously aHect— algslliiklit nm ing the harbors at Ludin ton, Michi an, and Manitowoc, Two Rivers, wiiggiiirgfriiiim °f Racine, Kenosha, and Sheboygan, Mlisconsin, and to re ort at the earliest practical date what plan of improvement it is desirable to adopt to overcome such wave action. Such, board shall further investigate Benin. ewand report as to whether, in the interests of economy, future repairs and construction of piers in such harbors and in those similarly situated should be made of cement or other permanent substance. . Improvin harbor at Manistee, Michigan: For maintenance, ten M•¤i¤¤¢.Mich. thousand doIlars. Improving harbor at Frankfort, Michi an: Continuing improve- F"·°k*°"· mm ment and for maintenance, twenty thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Charlevoix and entrance to Pine Lake, Michi- M§§,j“'l°"°ix· °°°~· gan: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, twenty-ve thou- ` sand dollars. Improving harbor at Petoskey, Michigan: Continuing improvement P“°°"°’· wm and for maintenance, twenty thousand dollars. _ _ Improving harbor at Arcadia, Michigan, in accordance with the ’“`°“°"· M‘°h· report submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and ginuelty-four, Fifty-eighth Congress, second session, six thousand o rs. ‘ 1 The Secretary of War is hereby authorized and directed to transfer D’°°*°‘ to Lake Michigan the dredge heretofore constructed for the harbors on the easterly;-hore of said lake for usejn such harbors. Improving bor at Cheboygan, Michigan: For maintenance, seven °¤°b°¥H¤¤· mm thousaud five hundred dollars. And the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to cause an examination of such harbor to be made, with a view to ascertaining the desirability, in the interest of commerce, of extending the works of improvement up to the lock and dam in the Cheboygan River, and whether, if such extension is made, any portion of the expense of such extension should be borne by the city of Cheboygan or by persons whose lproperty may be benefited thereby. Improving harbor of refuge, arbor Beach, Michigan: Continuing m%§_'b°' B"“°"· improvement and for maintenance, two hundred thousand dollars. The Secretary of War is hereby authorized to cause an examination to be made with a view to ascertaining what other or further works of improvement are necessary, if any, in order to make such harbor of refuge suitable for the present demands of commerce. _ Improving waterwa across Keweenaw Point, from Keweenaw Bay Kl,°,'$‘§§,,'X‘$$° ‘§€,{{§1' to Lake Su erior, Michigan: Continuing improvement, forty-five mm thousand doliars. _ Improving Grand River, Michigan, in accordance with the report °"‘““ ’"'°'·M‘°“‘ submitted in House Document Numbered Two hundred and sixteen, Fifty-eighth Congress, second session, one hundred thousand dollars: _ 1*1-miided, That no portion of the money herein (appprodpriated shall be €,'§”,},*‘§g.,,,_ used in providing a tuming basin in the city of ran Rapids. S _ R_ Improving Saginaw River, Michigan: Continuing improvement and mc°ifm°w ""’ for maintenance, thirty thousand ollars; and any sums heretofore appropriated for the improvement of the Flint, Shiawassee, and Bad _ _ rivers, and now unexpended, are herebv diverted and made available P,}f,‘{f,f°“ °' “*’*"’°‘ for the improvement of the Saginaw River, in addition to the sum herein appropriated. _ _ _ Improving Sebewaing River, Michigan: For maintenance, five thou- M§j,§’f"°‘“¥ “"°'· sand dollars. _ _ _ Improving Rouge River and Monroe Harbor, Michigan: Continuing M§;’§•§e°m§*b;$f,,{;l 1mprovement and for maintenance, thirteen thousand dollars. vox. xxxm, rr 1—72