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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1257

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1 170 FIFTY-EIGHTH coneaicss. sm. III. ca. 1483. 1905. j},?; gf- ALAsKA FUND: That thb moneys described as the "Alaska fund," in

 section one of "An Act to provide for the construction and maintenance of roads, the establis ment and maintenance of schools, and the

care and support of insane ersons in the district of Alaska, and for other purposes," approved ganuary twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and live, be and the same are hereby, appropriated out of the Treasury tg the United States for the uses and) purposes in said Act men- . tione . °”°’°°“”° ¤°"i°°- QUABANTINE SERVICE! For the maintenance and ordinar ex enses mdmmmcm including pay of officers and employees of quarantine statiolins alt Porti land, Maine, Perth Amboy, New Jersey, Delaware Breakwater, Reedy Island, Cape Charles and sup lemental station, Cape Fear, Savannah, South Atlantic, and Brunswick, Cumberland Sotmd, Saint Johns River, Biscayne Bay, Key West, Boca Grande, Tampa Bay, Cedar Key, Saint Georges Sound (East and West Pass), Pensacola, Gulf, San_Diego, San Francisco, Columbia River, Port Townsend and supplemental stations, quarantine system of the Hawaiian Islands, and the uarantine system of Porto Rico, three hundred and fort thousand dolllars.

  • "*¤"“¤· An ezppenditure of not to exceed five hundred dollars may be incurred

during e fiscal year nineteen hundred and six for printing on account of the quarantine service at times when the exigencies of that service _ - {Squire ppmediate aptiogépgargeabge to th; appropriation “Preventing . e intr uction an s o epi emic iseases. B°°”· Books and journals for use of the Public Health and Marine—H0spital Bureau may be purchased during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and six at a cost not to exceed five hundred dollars, and paid for from the appropriation for the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service. d£!¤§¤¤g¤ vi evi- asv11N1w0N or nrmnmos: The President of the United States is · hereby authorized, in case of threatened or actual epidemic of cholera, typhus fever, yellow fever, smallpox, bubonic plalgue, Chinese plague, or black death, to use the unexpended balance of the sums appropriated ·‘""·¥’·*“· and reappropriated by the sundry civil appropriation Act approved April twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and four, and one undred thousand dollars in addition thereto, or so much thereof as may be necessary, in aid of State and local boards, or otherwise, in his discretion, in preventing and suppressing the spread of the same, including pay an allowances of al officers and emplo ees of the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service assigned to duty in preventing and suppressing the spread of the same; and in such emergency in the execution of any quarantine laws which may be then in force, the same to be immediately available. mg_<;i_;¤£,¤g•‘g,;>({x§¤¤· UNDER THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. mippnigration sta- IMMIGRATION STATIONS. Ems I¤l¤¤°» N· Y- Ellis Island, New York, immigrant station : For the construction of a contagious-disease hospital upon the proposed new island, including additional power lant and a purtenances, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, which sum shallpbe paid from the permanent appropriation for expenses of regulating immigration. _ SA‘j{‘g§’§,‘}Q§,“§?’C“l· San Francisco, California, immigrant station: Toward the construction of a main building and other necessa buildings for an immigration detention station on Angel Island in We harbor of San Francisco, and furnishing the same, including wharf landings, improvement of grounds, and other necessa objects as set forth in House Document ’umbered One hundred anldysixty-six of the present session, one hundred thousand dollars, which sum shall be paid from the permanent appropriation for expenses of regulating immigration, and the total cost o said station complete, under a contract or contracts therefor