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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1276

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1483. 1905. 1189 sons charged with or convicted of crimes against the United States who are insane, all persons who have become insane since their entry into the military and naval service of the United States, who have been admitted to the hospital and who are indigent, including purchase, maintenance, and driving of necessar horses and vehicles and of horses and vehicle for official use of the superintendent, three hundred and five thousand eight hundred dollars; and not exceeding one thousand five hundred dollars of this sum may be expended in defraying the expense of the removal of patients to their friends; not exceeding one thousand dollars may be expended in the purchase of such books, periodicals, and papers as may be required for the urposes of the hoslpital, and not exceeding one thousand five hundred ollars for actua and necessary expenses incurred in the apprehension and return to the hospital of escaped patients. For the building and grounds of the Government Hospital for the B,§nQ,f*¤¤¤ ud Insane, as follows: gm For general repairs and improvements, thirty thousand dollars. For roadways, grading, and walks, ten thousand dollars. . For increased reservoir capacity, six thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. For providing coal trestle and storage capacity for anthracite coal, two thousand five hundred dollars. ` For extension of cold-storage and ice-making plant in accordance with plans, seven thousand Eve hundred dollars. · CARE AND CUSTODY OF THE msann, DISTRICT or ALASKA: For the €l,‘}':§‘5c__,,H,,,,,,,,_ care and custody of persons legally adjudged insane in the district of ·*”'°· P- 619- Alaska, includin transportation and other expenses, up to and includ- - ing June thirtiedi, nineteen hundred and six, to be immediately available, seventeen thousand two hundred and thirt -two dollars. Comms1A Insrrrrrrron ron rm-: D1:Ar,A1~m Bonn: For support of ,,g{>l*g;”{;ej?=¤;$ the institution, including salaries and incidental expenses, for books Dumb. and illustrative apparatus, and for general repairs and improvements, sixty thousand dollars. For repairs to the buildings of the institution, including plumbing and steam iitting, and for repairs to pavements within the grounds, three thousand dollars. For additions to the buildings of the institution, to furnish additional accommodations for pupils, and to provide for the heating of the huildings from a central plant, and for lighting the buildings by electricity, thirty thousand dollars. Hownm Uxrvicnsrrrz For maintenance ot the Howard University, """"“‘ V'*“’°"‘°Y· to he used in payment of part of the salaries of the officers. professors, teachers, and other regular employees of the university, the balance of which will be paid from donations and other sources, of which sum not less than one thousand five hundred dollars shall be used for normal instruction, thirty-five thousand dollars: For tools, materials, fuel, wages of instructors, and other necessary ex enses of the industrial department, seven thousand dollars; lzor books, shelving, furniture, and lixtures for the law and general libraries, nine hundred dollars; For improvement of grounds and repairs of buildings, two thousand dollars; For material and apparatus for chemical, physical, and natural—history studies. and use in laboratories, including cases and shelving, two hundred dollars; For fuel, two thousand five hundred dollars; ‘ In all, fortvseven thousand six hundred dollars. Fnm;mncx’s Hosrrrxr. Asn Asrum: For salaries and compensation mf*¤¤¤¤>¤¤`¤ Hewiof the surgeon in chief, not to exceed three thousand dollars; assistant same!. surgeon, clerk, pharmacist, assistant pharmacist, steward, engineer,