1190 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1483. 1905. matron, nurses, laundresses, cooks, teamsters, watchmen, and laborers, sixteen thousand dollars; For subsistence, fuel and light, clothing, bedding, forage, transportation, medicine`, medical and surgical supplies, surgical instruments, electric lights, repairs, furniture, and other absolutely necessary expenses, mcluding the urchase of a suitable ambulance and harness not to exceed seven hundred dollars, twelve thousand dollars; In all, twenty-eight thousand dollars. §g;£‘§,§s_“gam For the construction of the new Freedmen’s Hospital building, as v. 488.provided in the sundry civil appropriation acts approved March third, nineteen hundred and three, and April twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and four, res ctively, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. §,‘}:$§°,l}}‘,‘j,lf’°§,;, The Secretary ofwthe Interior is authorized to enter into contract cgrehgfg-. at pgrlsggs with the Board of Charities of the District of Columbia for the care lugs Eiospmn, and treatment of persons from the District of Columbia admitted to the Freedmen’s Hospital; and any money that may be received, from this source, on and after July first, nineteen hundred and tive, shall be paid to the Secretary of the Interior, to be applied to the uses and pugioses of the hospital. ““'““*°‘“· ereafter estimates for expenses and maintenance of the Freed- ( p1en’s Hospital and Asylum shall be submitted by the Secretary of the nterior. . D§§l,‘,’§§l’“’“°‘“°“* *° That the sum of fifty thousand dollars, appropriated by the sundry V0]- 82»v-1113- civil appropriation Act approved March third, nineteen hundred and three, and sums hereafter appropriated under authority conveyed in said Act, for the construction of a new Freedmen’s Hospital buildin and accessories shall be paid wholly from the Treasury of the United States, and any part of said sum or sums already expended from the revenues of the District of Columbia shall be reimbursed and credited to said revenues, and said a propriation shall be available during the fiscal year nineteen hundred)and six. WM I>·>¤·¤=¤¤¤*— UNDER THE WAR DEPARTMENT. nggmories and arse- ARMORIES AND ARSENALS. F¤¤¤kf<»¤'1» P¤- FRANKFORD ARSENAL, PmLAD1·:r.rmA, PENNSYLVANIA: For extension of system of water supply, twenty-two thousand dollars: For completing extension of shop used for loading small-arms vartridges at rankford Arsenal, three thousand five hundred dollars: In all, twenty-five thousand five hundred dollars. §‘,§‘@'f,§l,'}.§?flg£l‘ Roc}: Isrnmn Ansnxn., Rocic Ismxn, ILL1xo1s: For machinery and shop fixtures, seven thousand five hundred dollars. "”°· °‘°· For general care, preservation, and im rovements; for painting and care and preservation of permanent buildings: for building fences and sewers, grading grounds and roads, ten thousand dollars. For maintenance and operation of power plant, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. B"*"$€~ For the Rock Island Bridge, as follows: For operating and care and reservation of Rock Island Bridge and Viaduct, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. ,,,§";‘j,{,,,§f’°l‘ Pm" SANDY Hoox rnovrxe caouxn, New J mzsnr: For rebuilding and repairing roads and walks, and for general repairs of shops, store houses, and quarters, four thousand dollars; d Igor one set of quarters for locomotive engineer, four thousand o ars. · For purchase and installation of machine tools and motors, and enlargement of carpenter sho , four thousand dollars; In all, twelve thousand dollgrs. Powmm naronr, Nun Dovmn. Naw J aasmrz For storehouses for reserve supply of war material, thirty-six thousand dollars;
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