FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 1483. 1905. 1191 For increase of transportation facilities, ten thousand dollars; In all, forty-six thousand dollars. SPRINGFIELD Ansniur., SPRINGFIELD, Mnssacuusnrrs: For general sP'i“€“"’1°· M°”· care, repair of quarters, of buildings, and machinery not used for gmirlmfacturing purposes, and of grounds and roads, ten thousand o rs. _ Trzsrme Macnmms, “TATEBTOWN ARSENALZ For labor and materials Wmrwwn. Mm In caring for, preserving, and operating the United States testing hmm m°°m°“' machines at Vilatertown Arsenal, includin such new tools and appliances as may be required, fifteen thousand dollars. Wnmnvum Ansnzur., WATERVIJET, Nnw Yonx: For repairs to Watmiisv. N-?'. iéhe ixzlosingl of the reservation and retaining walls at lower shops, ve thousand dollars. Aueusn Ansmzai., Aueusn, Gnonernz For additional machinery A¤¤¤¤‘—¤.G¤- for use at said arsenal, fifty` thousand dollars. Rnrnns OF Aas1·:1uLs: or repairs and improvements at arsenals R<->1>¤i¤- and powder depots, and to meet such unforeseen expenditures as accidents or other contingencies during the year may render necessary, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. BUILDINGS AND unoUNDs IN nm AROUND WASHINGTON. ggpgégigsgdcgng . olumbia. 1205 improvement and care of public grounds, District,of Columbia, ,,,I,'§"°v°"‘°“* me as o ows: For improvement and maintenance of grounds south of Executive Mansion, four thousand dollars. For ordinary care of reenhouses and nurser , two thousand dollars. For ordinary care of Iafa ette Park, two thousand dollars. _ For ordinary care of Franlilin Park, one thousand dollars. d Epi- improvement and ordinary care of Lincoln Park, two thousand o rs. For care and improvement of Monument grounds and annex (Poto— M°°“m°“*¤'°‘““l* mac Park) to Monument grounds, seven thousand dollars. For improvement, care, and preservation of reservation numbered 0*** °°¤°l- seventeen, and site of old canal northwest of same, two thousand five _ hundred dollars: Itovided, That no part thereof shall be expended §°'§§§f,‘§,,,,,,_ upon other than property belonging to the United States. For construction and repair ot post-and-chain fences, repair of high iron fences, constructin stone coping about reservations, painting watchmenls lodges, iron hmces, vases, lamips, and lamp·posts; manure, and hauling the same, removing snow an ice; pbxérchase and repair of seats and tools; trees, tree an plant stakes, la ls, lime, whitewashing, and stock for nursery, liower pots, twine, baskets, wire, splints, moss, and lycopodiumfto be purchased by contract or otherwise, as the Secretary of War may determine; care, construction, and repair of fountains: abating nuisances, cleaning statues, and repairing pe estals, sixteen thousand and fifty dollars. For improvement, care, and maintenance of various reservations, including purchase, maintenance, and driving of horse and vehicle for official use of the officer in charge of public buildings and grounds, and of other necessary horses an vehicles for official use, twenty-five thousand dollars. For improvement, care. and maintenance of Smithsonian grounds, two thousand five hundred dollars. For improvement, care, and maintenance of Judiciary Park, two thousand five hundred dollars. _ _ For laycing asphalt and other walks in various reservations, two thousand dollars. For broken—s-tone road covering for parks, two thousand dollars. For curbing, coping, and iiagging for park roads and walks, two thousand dollars.
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