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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1279

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1192 F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1483. 1905. P°*°m¤° P°'k· For utilizing for the pur se of a nursery the unimproved portion of Potomac Park between th; causeway of the Pennsylvania Railroad bridge, the tidal reservoir, and the Potomac River, and for the general improvement of the rounds, in accordance with plans prepared in the office of public buildings and grounds, to be expended under the . giiiection of the officer in charge of that office, sixty-five thousand o lars. ,e§;},§€f,f°m D*’*"*°* One half of the foregoing sums under “Buildings and grounds in and around W'ashinglton" shall be paid from the revenues of the District of _ _ Columbia and the other half from the Treasury of the United States. ,,{jf’;};_§§’,}',,,,°§,’,'f°’°°°· Under appropriations herein contained no contract shall be made for making or repairing concrete or asphalt pavements in Washington City at a higher price than one dollar and sixlg-five cents per square yard for a uality equal to the best laid in the istrict of Columbia prior to July first, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, and with a base of not less thaip six inches in tgiigkness. h d d m¤°°“¤¤°°¤¤· or sewerin an raining the pro agating r eus, two thousan tive hundred dbllars. . p ga · For this amount to make salary of the chief clerk of the office of public buildings and grounds two thousand four hundred dollars per annum; as heretofore provided, four hundred dollars. For improvement, care, and maintenance of grounds of Executive Dcipartments, one thousand dollars. or such trees, shrubs, plants, fertilizers, and skilled labor for the grounds of the Library of Congress as may be requested by the superintendent of the Library building, one thousand dollars. , For such trees, shrubs, plants, fertilizers, and skilled labor for the grounds of the Capitol as may be requested by the superintendent of the Capitol building, three thousand dollars. For improvement and maintenance of Executive Mansion grounds (within iron fence), four thousand dollars. For the employment of an en ineer by the officer in charge of public buildings and grounds, two thousand four hundred dollars. For purchase and repair of machiner and tools for shops at 3u5sery, and for the repair of shops andy storehouse, one thousand o ars. · {*°•=¤,¤*¤ M¤¤=*°¤· Exncurivn Mansion: For care, repair, and refurnishing of Executive Mansion, and for purchase, maintenance, and driving of horses and vehicles for official purposes, thirty-five thousand do lars, to be expended by contract or otherwise, as the President may determine. or fuel for the Executive Mansion, greenhouses, and stable. six thousand dollars. · ‘ For care and maintenance of conservatory and greenhouses, nine thousand dollars. For repairs to and reerection of greenhouses, Executive Mansion, _ three thousand dollars. M${‘0‘f,‘§,§,({*,;‘f,j’,;‘,§Q,$ Lmnrixe rum Exncurivrc Mansion AND runmo oaocxos: For gas, pay of lamplighters, gas litters, and laborers; purchase, erection, and repair of lamps and lamp- sts; urchase of matches, and repairs of all kinds; stoves, fuel, and hts for office and office stable, watchmen’s lo<¥,es, and for the greenlgouses at the nursery, twenty thousand §'§”,‘,f',,g,,,,,,,l,,,,,,,_ dollars: voided, That for each five-foot burner not connected with a meter in the lamps on the public grounds not more than twenty dollars shall be paid per lamp for gas, including lighting, cleaning, and keeping the lamps in repair, under any expenditure provided for in this Act; and said lamps shall burn every night, on the average, from fifteen minutes after sunset to forty-five minutes before sunrise; and authority is hereby given to substitute other illuminating material for the same or less price, and to use so much of the sum hereby appropri-