FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1483. 1905. 1193 ated as may be necessary for that purpose: Promfded further, That *"“'° ¤'°¤ I¤¤¤1¤¢ four thousand two hundred dollars of the foregoin sum shall be paid mmm"` from the revenues of the District of Columbia and axe remainder from _ the Treasury of the United States: And provided further-, That not ***8**** <=•¤¤1¤1•¤w- more than six thousand dollars of said appropriation may be expended umn for lighting, extinguishing, cleaning, repairin , and painting parklamps of a higher candlepower than those provided for above and not less than sixty candlepower, which lamps shall cost not to exceed twent — · five dollars per lamp per annum and shall otherwise be subject to the restrictions of this paragraph. · For lighting six arc electric lights in Executive Mansion grounds m°°°“°“¥h"°· within the iron fence, at not exceeding eighty-five dollars er light per annum, which shall cover the entire cost to the United States of 'ghting and maintaining in good order each electric light in said grounds, five hundred and ten dollars. For lighting six arc electric lights at the propagating gardens, at not exceeding eighty-five dollars per light per annum, wh1ch sum shall cover the entire cost of lighting and maintainin in good order each of said arc electric lights, five hundred and ten dollars. · For lighting arc electric liglhts in public grounds as follows: For seven in grounds south of the xecutive Mansion, thirty-two in Lafay- ette, Franklin, Judiciary, and Lincoln parks, and fourteen in grounds south of Executive Mansion and in Monument Park, at not exceeding eighty-five dollars per light per annum, which sum shall cover the entire cost of lighting an maintaining in good order each of said are electric lights; ·1n all, four thouwnd five hundred and five dollars, one half of which sum shall be paid from —the revenues of the District of Columbia and the other half from the Treasury of the United States. ‘ Rnnm or warm urns: For repairing and extendinghwater pipes, m§g·•** 0* ••¤¢¤¤ purchase of apparatus for cleaning them, purchase of ose, and for cleaning the springs and repairing and renewingthe pipes of the same that su ply the Capitol, the xecutive Mansion, and the buildin for the State, ar, and Navy Departments, two thousand five hundredg dollars. Tmuzonaru TO coxxaor THE CAPITOL wrru rim Dnraarmnurs gr§gK€*'¤¤¤¤* me- AND Govnaxmnxr Pnmrme Ormon: For care and repair of existing ` lines, one thousand five hundred dollars. For removing cables of lines from the roof of the Treasury De art- u§;§f“§‘2“*' ""’l° ment building and placing them under ground, one thousand two hundred dollars; and authority is hereby granted for laying the necessary conduits under the streets, avenues, and sidewalks of the city for that pullasnrxorox ltloxvmrmrz For the care and maintenance of the ,,,ll,'{f""“*"°“ *‘°““‘ Washington Monument, namely: For one custodian, at one hundred dollars per month; one steam engineer, at eighty dollars per month; one assistant steam engineer, at sixty dollars per month; one fireman, at fifty dollars per month; one assistant fireman, at forty-tive dollars per month; one conductor of elevator car, at seventy-five dollars per month; one attendant on floor, at sixty dollars per month; one attendant on top floor, at sixty dollars per month; three night and dav watchmen, at sixty dollars per month each; in all, eight thousand five hundred and twenty dollars. For fuel, lights, oil, waste, packing, tools, matches, paints, brushes, E‘l’°“’°’· brooms, lanterns, rope, nails, screws, lead, electric ligihts, heating apparatus, oil stoves for elevator car and upper and ower Hoors, repairs to engines, boilers, dynamos, elevator, and repairs of all kinds connected with the Monument and machinery, and purchase of all necessary articles for keeping the Monument, machinery, elevator, and electric plant in good order, three thousand dollars. _ _ Rmums or nuinnme wrmma ABRAHABI Lrxcomv mm): For paint- wgégelencgyu ggyi ing and miscellaneous repairs, four hundred dollars.
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