rirrrnicuru coseusss. sm. 111. cn. 14s4. 1905. 1221 wharves and buildings, and for other necessary items and services, eight hundred and fifteen dollars. ‘ ‘ BATHING BEAGH: For additional amount required for necessary B¤¤¤i¤z Mckexpenses of removing and establishing the bathing beach on the inner basin near the present bathing-beach site, fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, twenty-one dollars and eighty-three cents. For additional amount required for the construction, maintenance, Fl¤¤¤¤8 ¤¤¤¤¤· and repair of floating baths, to be moored in the tidal reservoir or the water front of Washinglton at such points as may be agreed upon by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia and the Sccretar of War, fiscal years nineteen hundred and three and nineteen hundyred and four, twenty dollars. "~ Exruxsiou or srannrs Ann Avenues: For additional amount p,$°°¤¤*°¤ 0* Euclid required to provide the necessary funds for the costs and expenses of ` condemnation proceedings taken ursuant to public Act approved Ame, p. sis. April twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and four, entitled "An Act to q connect Euclid place with Erie street," to be paid wholly from the revenues of the District of Columbia, two hundred and twenty-five dollars and five cents. ' To reimburse Alice L. Riggs for moneys expended and obligations Alice 1.. nam, incurred by her in the partial construction of an automobile sales room R°imb""m°”°‘ and storage barn on lot one hundred and seven, in square two hundred and ten, under a rmit issued by the Commissioners of the Dis- . trict of Columbia, saidm permit having been subsequently revoked by said Commissioners, one thousand and four dollars and ninety-six cents, or so much thereof as ma be necessary, tolbe paid wholly from . the revenues of the District of Columbia. To reimburse Lewis I. O’Neal, justice of the peace in and for the I.ewisI.0’Ne•1.- District of Columbia, for the lou, through robbery of the safe in his B°*"°"“"°‘“°’“‘· o{·Hce,·M5 certain moneys collected by him pursuant to law and belon - ing to the District of Columbia the amount thereof having been subsequently id to the District of Columbia from rsonal funds of the said O’Neal?one hundred and forty dollars, to bd paid wholly from the revenues of the District of Columbia. For additional amount required to provide the necessary funds for uncnu place, em. the costs and expenses of condemnation proceedings taken pursuant to A,,,, ,,_ M8_ Act a proved April twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and four, to connect Euclid place with Erie street, to be paid wholly from the revenues of the District of Columbia, one hundred and twenty-one dollars and twenty cents. For additional amount required to provide the necessary funds for mgnm ¤¢r¤e¢NW. the costs and expenses of condemnation proceedings taken pursuant to 4,,,,, ,,_ M_ Act approved April twenty-second, nineteen hundred and four, for the extension of Eighth street northwest, or Wrights road, District of Columbia, to be paid wholly from the revenues of the District of Columbia, sixty-seven dollars and seven cents. For additional amount required to provide the necessary funds for Wyoming avenue. the costs and expenses of condemnation proceedings taken ursuant _4,,,,,p_m_ to Act approved April twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and four, for the extension of Vi yoming avenue to Twenty-third street west, to be paid whollv from the revenues of the District of Columbia, forty-two dollars and ninety-three cents. For additional amount required to provide the necessary funds for imenamgssnm. the costs and expenses of condemnation proceedings taken pursuant v,,,_30vp_,3,,,,_ to Act approve March third, eighteen undred and ninety-nine, to extend S street, in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes, and Act approved June sixth, nineteen hundred, for the extension of Excenumgcoiumsn Columbia road east of Thirteenth street, and for other purposes, to be '°§‘;'},]_ 3i_ ,_ 6,,; paid wholly from the revenues of the District of Columbia, ninety- eight dollars and seventy-eight cents.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1308