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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1309

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1222 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. SEss. III. C11. 1484. 1905. W*°°¤*¤¤V¤l*°°*· _WIDENING V sTnEET: For additional amount required to provide the necessary funds for the costs and expenses of condemnation pro- ·*"'~‘*·P·5”· ceedings taken pursuant to Act a proved A ril twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and four, for the widening of 8 street northwest, to be paid wholly from the revenues of the District of Columbia, seventy- two dollars and fifty-seven cents.

  • ’“"“° “°"°°‘°- Pursue souoons: For additional amount required for repairs and

_ improvements to school buildings and grounds, one thousand dollars. mggatrns- ew-- ¤1>1>¤- Oy additional amount required for repairing and renewing heating and ventilating apparatus, two thousand dollars. ufim °‘““g“*"‘°”· For additional amount required for fire extinguishers and iire escapes for school buildings, Hscal year nineteen hundred and four, twenty- nine dollars. For additional amount required for contingent expenses for the iiscal years that follow: ` For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, ten dollars. For the fiscal year nineteen hundred, seventy-five dollars. . {-§§'t,§°,}"f’1§}“,,’},,*’,§’;{°°· 'METBOPOHTAN P01JOE: For amount required to pay the salary of Edward Murphy, private of the Metropolitan police force for the month of January, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, seventy-Eve dol- _ lars and sixty cents. Cf},‘§,{L°$’§',{‘,§’;‘,f;,es_ FIRE DEPARTMENT:. For additional amount required to meet the · objects set forth in the appropriation for contingent expenses for the fiscal years that follow: For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five, five thousand dollars. For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, forty dollars. For forage, seven thousand dollars. ,E(j°§,§‘f},§,$£{,°,!;Q‘g$§j HEALTH DEPARTMENT: For additional amount required for the necessary traveling ex nses of sanitary and food inspectors while traveling outside of the District of Columbia for the purpose of ins ct- _ ing dairy farms, milk, and other dairy products, three hundred dolldrs. ,,,§,'§,§'§§};§§,e§$ °°“‘ For additional amount re uired for the enforcement of the pro- VM- 26· P- 691- visions of the Act to prevent the spread of scarlet fever and diphtheria in the District of Columbia, approved December twentieth, eighteen V¢>*-=’°- P- 635- hundred and ninety, and the Act to prevent the spread of conta 'ous diseases in the District of Columbia, approved March third, eigdteen hundred and ninety- seven, for the service of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, eighteen dollars and fourteen cents. }°§}§° °°“"· Comrrs: For additional amount reqiuired for compensation of jury, police court, fiscal year nineteen hun red and two, six dollars. ,(;jggQg*gg;j[,,r{*°¤¤d Pomcn counr nmnnrsex For additional amount required to pav K. • » . • • » " costs incident to condemnation of additional ground in square numbered four hundred and eighty-nine. in the city of \VllSllll1g't0ll, for site for a new police court building, ninety-nine dollars. J‘“"‘“°"“"· Junoimivrsz For payment of the judgments, including costs, against the District of Columbia, set forth in House Documents Numbered Two hundred and eighty-seven and Three hundred and twenty-four and Senate Document Numbered One hundred and ninety of this session, twelve thousand four hundred and ninety-seven dollars and twelve cents, together with a further sum to pay the interest, at not exceed- - ing four per ccntum, on said judgments, as provided by law. from the date the same became due until the date of payment. ~ mh SUPPORT or Pnrsoxnns, D1sTmcT or CoLUMmA: For expenses for maintenance of the jail of the District of Columbia, and for support of prisoners therein, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney- General, four thousand dollars. ]‘°°"°’ "'M _ W'mTs or LUNAcr: For additional amount required to defray the expenses attending the execution of writs de lunatico de inquirendo and commitments thereunder, in all cases of indigent insane persons committed or sought to be committed to the Government Hospital for