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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1310

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FIFTPEIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CH]1484. 1905. 1223 the Insane by order of the executive authority of the District of Columbia under the provisions of existing law, for the fiscal years that follow: · For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five, eight hundred and seventy dollars. . For the iiscal year nineteen hundred and four, one thousand one hundred and sixtydive dollars. , Boamu or CHILDREN’S GUARDIANS: For additional amount re uired G,f,°jg§Ij’j °**“°’°¤'° . for board and care of all children committed to the guardianship of cm orciinmen. said Board by the courts of the District, and for the tem rary care of children pending investigation or while being transferreclfrom place to place, three thousand five hundred dollars, with authority to pay not more than five hundred dollars of said amount to institutions adjudged to be under sectarian control. For additional amount required for board and care of all children committed to the guardianship of said Board by the courts of the District, for the services of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, eight hundred and thirty dollars and sixty-eight cents, with authority to pay; said amount to institutions, adjudged to be under sectarian contro . FREEDMEN’S HOSPITAL AND Asrmmz For additional amountrequired P,f;°°•*¤°¤’¤ H°¤· for fuel and light, clothing, bedding, forage, transportation, medicines, ` medical and surgical su plies, sur 'cal instruments, electric lights, repairs, furniture, and other absolugly necessa expenses, fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, fortyifour dollars anrd sixty-four cents. - Ganmmm H0sm•raL: Forad 'tional amount required for isolating **•¤’¤°l° H°•P****· ward,·Gariield Hospital, one thousand dollars. Mrnrrnz For amount required t.o pay the Pennsylvania Railroad ,,. Company for transppsrtation of oilieers, men, and baggage of the Naval v¤¤¤¤ Battalion, militia,trict of Columbia, from Washington, District of Columbia, to League Island Penns lvania, on September fifth, nineteen hundred and four, five hundred and forty-four dollars and forty- three cents. _ For purchase of coal for the United States steamship Puritan, and ,,,§f€"'““h“’ °`P“"' for necessary expenses in the care of said ship, three thousand six °¤¤l·*°°· hundred dollars. _ To pay the Metropolitan Cab Company the amount found due by a Cj’,ff,[f,‘},*QS1"““ °“ b board of survey convened by the commanding general of the militia P¤>‘¤¤¤¤¤*¤— of the District of Columbia, for losses sustained by said company through death and injury to horses hired by it to said militia for use during the annual encampment at Leesburg, Virginia, between July twenty-third, nineteen hundred and three, and An t first, nineteen hundred and three, five hundred and ninety-nine dolEi··s and fifty cents. Except as otherwise provided, one~half of the foregoing amounts to ,,$'§,}{,,§Y°“ D'""" meet deficiencies in the appropriations on account of the District of Columbia shall be paid from the revenues of the District of Columbia and one-half from any money in the Treasury not otherwise approprinted. . WAR DEPARTMENT. We ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ To enable the Secretary of War to pay the amounts due certain *d"°"”°m°¤*·°· newspapers for publishing advertisements for proposals for construction work and military supplies and set forth on pages eighteen and nineteen of House Document Numbered Two hundred and eighty-seven of this session, one hundred and eighty-six dollars and seventy-two cents. To enable ·the Secretary of War to pay the amounts due certain newspapers for publishing advertisements for construction work, and so forth, and set forth on page nineteen of House Document Numbered