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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1319

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1232 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1-L84. 1905. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation for “Contingent Bureau of Medicine and Sl1l'g'G1'_y,” fiscal ear nineteen hundred and four, three thousand four hundred and eighty-nine dollars and seventy-nine cents. To pay amounts found due by the accountin officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation for “gontingent, Bureau of Medicine and Sur ery," for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, three hundred and eleven dollars and fift_v cents. ,,,',{·c§',;,,,I,;',,';f’°'“"1" F or contingent, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, nineteen hundred Payment w- 3115 two, to pay bill of W. H. Lowdermilk and Company, eight o ars. For contingent, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, nineteen hundred and three and prior years, to pay approved vouchers set forth in House Document Numbered Three hundred and thirty-three of this session, forty-five dollars and forty-nine cents. ‘ 1Y,:$;¤{¤;{,”s£Q{&§· C- N AVAL HOSPITALS For additional Vsappropriation for completing—upon ` original plans the naval hospital, ashington, District of Columbia, twenty thousand dollars]? add 1 I ·- . RMU »N-Y- AvA1. LAnonA·roar: or itiona appropriation for com etin N"°I§°°m°ry' upon ori 'nal plans the naval laboratory?¥Broloklyn, New Yorh, ning thousandgdollars, and for the installation of metal and other shelving, eleven thousand dollars; in all, twenty thousand dollars. ~m§,¤;$,•;g“<;*m§¤vP*** BUREAU or SUPPLIES AND Accoums. _ P¤>*¤*°¤¤· Pnovxsxoss, NAVY: To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation "Provisions, Navy, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts," for the fiscal year nineteen _ hundred and three, seventy-four dollars and ninety-five cents. C°“"“¥°'“· CONTINGENTI To pay accounts set forth on page thirty-six of House Document Numbered Two hundred and eighty-seven of this session, ` on account of "Contingent, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts,” on account of fiscal year nineteen hundred and prior years, one hundred and thirty-seven dollars and seventy-six cents, ,,j{,“{f,{,“,€,fp‘§‘{,'{’"“°‘ BUREAU or oonsrancrron AND REPAIR. ‘ P¤¤i¤·¤ <><>~•¢ ¤<¤¤— Consnucnou AND REPAIR: To pay bill of the Pacific Coast Commrqfémenzao. pany, of Seattle, Washington, for coal and charcoal delivered at the navy-yard, Puget Sound, Washington, in July, nineteen hundred and two, under written contract numbered seven thousand nine hundred and fifty~three, dated June twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and one; voucher for payment of the same having not been received by the Paymaster-General for approval and payment until after the lapse to the surplus fund of the unexpended balance remaining in the appropriation chargeable, being fOl‘ the fiscal year nineteen hundre and two (submitted), one thousand one hundred and seventy-one dollars and thirty-one cents. g,{§,'§,‘;,‘:"S‘““““‘ BUREAU or STEAM Enorsmnmivc. mm ‘“°°*“°°'Y· STEAM MACHINERY! To supply a deficiency in the appropriation "Steam machinery, Bureau of Steam Eng1neering,”inclu ing all objects mentioned under this title of appropriation in the naval appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and tive, seven hunred thousand dollars. ` To y amounts on account of “Steam machinery,” set forth on pagi:2 tiliirtyseven, _House Document Numbered Two hundred and eighty-seven of this session, and for fiscal years as follows: