FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. sms. III.` os. 14s4. 1905. ‘ 1233 For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, one thousand four i hundred and seventy-four dollars and six cents. _ For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and one, one dollar and eighty- six cents. ,. _ . mxscnnmnnous, NAVY.‘ Mi¤¤¢“¤¤¤<>¤¤- To reimburse the enlisted men of the Navy whose bedding or cloth- D°“'°Y°° °‘°‘h*¤¥· ing was destroyed in fires on board the Ol *mpia, the Alliance, and the Pontiac. two hundred and seventy-eight dollars and seventeen cents. To reimburse the enlisted men of the Navy whose blankets were rendered unserviceable on board the United States steamship Missouri, in rescuing bodies after an explosion, fifty-five dollars and sixty-eight cents. INCREA E or mm NAVY. Iucreuse of the Navy. For the hulls and outfits of vessels, and steam machinery of vessels Bulls ¤¤¤· heretofore authorized, seven million dollars. Toward the armament and armor, of domestic manufacture, for ves- Ar¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤·1 nrsels authorized, six million dollars. "`"' Toward the completion of the equipment of the new vessels author- Equipment of new ized, one hundred thousand dollars. v°S°°lS' DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR.[ mgtterivr Derm- , omrroz OF THE smcnmmx. _, _ For stationegy for the Department of the Interior and its several Stationery. bureaus and-o ces, including the United States Geological Survey and the Civil Service Commission, nine thousand dollars. _ - To pay amounts found due by the aoo0unting`0ineers·of x the Treas- specm mspeemn, ury on account of the appropriation "Expénses, `special ins tors, °"°”““ Department of the inter1or," for the fiscal year nineteen hundiieced and four, fifty dollars and fifty cents. ’ Pnxsrox Onion: For rivate secretary to be selected and a pointed Pension omce. by the Commissioner of Tensions at the rate of two thousand dollars per annum from March fourth, nineteen hundred and five, to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, both· inclusive, two thousand six hundred and fifty dollars. INDIAN Ori-*1cn: For the following for the fiscal year ending June L*;j}j¤¤<;g*_<*¤- thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, namely: Three copyists, at one - `p` " thousand dollars each, and for two co ists, at nine hundred dollars each, paid from the tribal funds of the Choctaw and Chickasaw nations, Act of April twent ·-first, nineteen hundred and four; in ull, four thousand eight hundred dollars. PATENT Orman: For the following additional force for the fiscal ¥’¤*¤¤¤°¤i¤¢‘· year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, namely: ‘ One examiner of trade-marks and designs, two thousand five hun- g;·<*¢{·¤¤¤;k¤·<·¤<·-. drcd dollars; two first assistant examiners, at one thousand eight hun- m, fills ° °nmm' dred dollars each, three thousand six hundred dollars: two second assistant examiners, at one thousand six hundred dollars each, three thousand two hundred dollars; two third assistant examiners, at one thousand four hundred dollars each, two thousand eight hundred dollars: three fourth assistant examiners, at one thousand two hundred dollars each, three thousand six hundred dollars: one clerk of" class two. and three clerks of class one; in all. twenty thousand seven hundred dollars. _ For roducing the Official Gazette. including the weekly, monthly, °’“"‘“l‘*’*’°"°· bimonthly, and annual indexes therefor, exclusive of expired patents, eighty thousand dollars. . VOL XXXUI, PT l———78 ‘
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