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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1321

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1234 - FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1484. 1905. _e,,§f’P‘°° °* d'°"*"g*· For producing copies of drawings of the weekly issues of patents; for producing copies of designs, tra e—marks, and pending applications; V 1 28, 620 and for the (feproduction og exhauislted copies of drawings and specifi- °- P- · cations_; said W rk referre to in t is and the preceding paragra h to be done asprosiided by the "Act providing for the public riiiting {,r$;¤¢¤·M mmm_ and binding and for the distribution of public documents:" Aiwidpd, men: Printing omee. That the entire work may be done at the Government Printin Office 1f,iu the judgment of the Joint Committee on Printin , or if there ihall be nof Jcgjlnt gommitteei] ii} the judgment of the Gommittee on rinting o ei er ouse it s al be eemedtobe for_the best interests ' of the Government, forty thousand dollars. ' ug1·:» ew-· ¤f i¤v¤¤— Fon} investigating the question of the public use or sale of inven- ' tions or two years or more prior to filing a plications for atents, a d for expinies attending ldefgnsgei olf sluailtts instituted against the Commilssioner o atents, two un r ol . 1¤·¤¤¤¤1¤1P¤>vwr To supply a deiicienc in the appropriation "I ter t' l te — u' Mmmm tion of industrial propegty PatenItlD£i£:e,” for thdlfischl yga]? nmldteeiii huijdiped anlda three, tobpay the amount thl? Ircctgrénational Bureau for cos o exc on the contri ution o ni tates for that year, five dollars anndefifteen cents. . €`?

 .&:;:*::·..£‘·*r’·1.$’*.*:",;.;Ef ***.2.**:* rrrxpam Tl ·¤°% °s.°*w-*Psm·

_ e n e ciency c o pri wen -seven nrne een Ame. p. 409- hundred and four, fpr aoljprstabiédsomermralmrziial and for laboi· required in mounting maps o the ni tates o e for the use ofCo L vw. 31. pp. m. M by the Am of Agni seventeenth, nineteen hundred, March thirdllhiiigi v°’· 32- !’·”"’· teen hundred an one, and April twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and two,ube, gsndlthe same_ is therelljy, giadle awgajiable fof eirpetgditlxjre in e ca years nine en un re an ve an mne en un and six. "*‘P°· _ For connected and separate United States and_other maps prepared ID the General Land Office: To supply a deficiencv existin in the , appropriation for this purpose, for the' I year end-ed June thirtieth, , mneteenhundred and three, one thousand four hundred and sixteen new w b nd dojlars and tgenty-five cents. F ` " “ · armuon mranmmr auummosz or repairs of Interior De rtmm ment_and Pension buildings, and of the old Post·Ofiice Departiiihnt B“2}‘lL'}.€{.?°§?£€§$m”le$? “'°?°i n]Z°"“F*“»}‘€."°;,°"iE.*`€§"’.l'°°°“"$°“i n_ _ ing an e ec_r1c— ng n n an eleva rs ·*“°°""*“°€*°*°"- buildings, Department of the Interior; forthe iinstallation of three; _ improved automatic stnkers for the prevention of the emission of smoke from the stacks of the heating and lightingPplant for the Interior Department buildings, locate in the old ost-Omce Department bun dm , occupied by the Interior Department two thousand five hundred and ten dollars. ’ mgzrjjtglbwlwnswd Csriron myrnmzvos For lighting the Capitol and rounds about the 1.1gnuhg,eze. same, including gas and electric ighting, lamp ligditers, gas fitters, and for materials and labor for gas and e ectric lighting and for gen- ' eral trepairs, tvtvgo thousand five hundred and thirty~seven dollars and mne y-one cen . mfjlggt M mms Authority is hereby granted to rent necessary drafting rooms for work in connection wit the office building for the House of Repre- - sentatives, and to pay therefor out of appropriations made for said building at the rate o not exceeding seventy dollars per month from November first, nineteen hundred and four, until June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, inclusive. u¤;>‘;¤r¤¤¤¤t Hcsm- oovnazmmvr nosrrrn. ronkrnn msmm. ’*‘*·’°’“"°’· For pipe fittings and so forth, furnished by E. G. Schafer and hmmm Comijnny, iiscal year? nineteen hundred and four; one thousand nine hun red and eig ty-three dollars and ninety-five cents.