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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1322

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FIFIY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. · Sess. III. Ch. 1484. 1905. 1235 For additional wellsand water filters, six hundred and forty-eight dollars and ten cents. . A , To reimburse Doctor William A. White, superintendent of the Gov- W A- W*¤i¤*· ernment Iiospital for the Insane, for expenses incurred b him for bmiammi . printing, bm utf], engravmg, and blank books for the use ofy the Gov- · _ ernment Hospi for the Insane, such expense having been disallowed ID the accounts by the Comptroller of the Treasury under date of An - ust thirty-first, nineteen hundred and four, upon the round that tds Items should have been procured from the GovernmentgPrinting Office under section eighty-seven of the Act of January twelfth, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, ninety-nine dollars and seventy-five cents. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the f1`reasury on account of the appropriation for current expenses, Government Hospital for the Insane, for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, fifty-nine dollars and sixtyfseven cents. COLUMBIA INSTITUTION ron nm DEAF nm DUMB. u&miiiiii°mnmm•i:h · n b. For the support of the institution, including salaries and incidental d$°fp,},',‘;,_l“° expenses, for books and illustrative apparatus, and for eneral repairs and improvements, for the fiscal year nineteep hundred and five, two · thousand five hundred dollars. rrmmc mums smzvrcm. _ Y¤¤*•=¤•¤·1· Orman-: or soavmoa-emxnaan or Amsxa: To pay amounts found £¥°*¤°°°*·'- due by on account of the a ro-- · priation “Contingent expenses olhoe of surveyor-general of Alagka." or the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, one dollar and fifty-eight cents., Ormos or rum SURVEYOIK-GENERAL or Conoinnoz For additional °°l°'“°· clerks in his office, to continue available during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and six, five thousand dollars. CONTINGENT 1·:xr1¤Ns1=:s or- LAND ormcxcsz To meet a deficiency in °°“““¤°¤**¤P°¤¤°•· the appropriation for this purpose, subject to the lin1itations and restrictions stipulated under this title of appropriation in the sundry civil appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five, forty thousand dollars. Exrmnsss or DEPOSITING PUBLIC Mozmrs: For expenses of deposit- m§:$"*“¤ P“°l*° ing money received from the disposal of public lands, two thousand five hundred dollars. O PROTEGTNG rmsnrc 1.AN1>s, rrunmn, AND so Foivrn: Depredations ,m*’3<;¢~j§¢}¤·z vublw on public timber, protecting public lands, and settlement of claims for ’ °` swamp land and swamp-land indemnity: To supply a deficiency existing in the appropriation for this fpurpose for the fiscal year ended June thnrtieth, nineteen hundred and our, four thousand seven hundred and ei bty-four dollars. ' gl`o pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation “Protecting public lands, timber, ’ and so forth, for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, two hundred and forty-eight dollars and ten cents. • CI.Ass11··1cArroN or ciaznrram MINERAL LANDS IN LIONTANA AN1>1I>n1o; Mynmpgmd imno, For publication of reports of lands classihed by the late board of min- ,,,§°,,,§‘,§’fl,,§°,§f‘°“ " eral land commissioners in the Helena and Missoula land districts, in the State of Montana. and in the Coeur d’Alene land district, in the State of Idaho, as authorized by the Act of Congress approved Feb- V°‘· ”· P- ruarv twenthsixth, eighteen hundred and ninetv-five, and the Act Vol. 31. p. sia. of June sixth. nineteen hundred, two hundred and forty-seven dollars and ninety cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary to meet the payment of the unsettled bills for publications chargeable to the appropriation “Classidcation of certain mineral lands In I Iontana and Idaho,