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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1323

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1236 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 148;. 1905. fiscal year nineteen hundred and one,” set forth on page forty-eight of . House Document Numbered Two hundred and eighty-seven of this session. ’ .4 dnonoeresr. SURVEY. <*¤<>¥<>gi¢¤l Survey- To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury . on account of the appropriation ‘·‘ Geological Survey " (topography) for the fiscal years nineteen hundred and three and nineteen hundred and four, fifty dollars and ten cents. _ a,§*’““*“'°l m“'m· For the investigation of the structural materials of the United States ihvesagamm 0:. (stone, clays, cements, and so forth), under the supervision of the ‘""”’ p' ml Director of the United States Geological Survey, five thousand dollars. Annual Report or The unexpended balance of the appro riation made by the sundry Dblliigiimaea mi- civil Act approved March third, nineteen hundred and three, under the - “"$$,,“§,,§_“,‘}l'}§‘,,6 head of public printing and binding for the fiscal year ending June 'thirtieth, nineteen hundredand four, "For engraving the illustrations s necessary for the Annual Report of the Director, and for the mono- ‘ graphs, professional papers, bulletins, water—supply papers, and the report on mineral resources, and for additional copies of such maps included in the above as may be needed for general pu ses, sixty-tive thousand dollars," amounting to fourteen thousand df;) hundred and seventy-five dollars and fifty-six cents, is hereby made available for expenditure during the fiscalyear ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and five, to complete the reports referred to, to be expended by the Public Printer. f A W—.N· B’°”¤· For reimbursement in art of ex nses incurred and aid_i__or b ` Rmmbummem W. N. Brown, topographel) and chielfeof party in the UriitedQ§t.ate)s Geological Survey at Cairo, West Virginia, in connection with the disposal of the body of George Seidel, field assistant, who died suddenly in camp of dysentery directly due to heat stroke resulting from the work he was performing for the Government, sixty-two dollars and thirty cents, Indian Affairs. INDIAN AFFAIRS. lndianschools. For necessary traveling expenses of the superintendent of Indian °"‘"°““g°""°“*`°’· schools, for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, twenty-eight dollars and fifty cents. , Transportation er For the necessary expenses of transportation of Indian goods, pro- “'°°d”‘°*°‘ visions, and other supplies for the various Indian tribes: That the ` Secretary of the T reasurv is hereby authorized and directed to transfer from the unexpended balance of the appropriation “Transportation of Indian supplies, nineteen hundred and three," to “Transportation of Indian supplies, nineteen hundred and four," the sum of twenty thousand dollars, to pay the outstanding indebtedness for nineteen hundred and four. mg;{§gf~*i“g· ¤**‘·~ To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation "Telegraphing, and purchase of Indian su plies," for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, seventy-two dollars and sixty-seven cents. `

  • ’°"¤°°*’°“°°'°· To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury

on account of the appropriation ‘“ Support of Pawnees, schools," for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, three dollars and seventy- two cents. Ai-imm and New To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury M§§§f}3,t of Indians_ on account of the appropriation “Support of Indians in Arizona and V New Mexico," for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, one hundred and eighty dollars. gg Hggzmii- For payment to W. H. Marshall, of Saint George, Utah, for forty- ymthree thousand feet of flooring and five thousand feet of lumber furnished