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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/211

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 716. 1904. 123 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOE. mmeear Dsvw- Ormca or mm Saonnmnr: For compensation of·the Secretary of AP;';, ag §¤¤{¢¤¤¤’· the Interior, eight thousand dollars; First Assistant Secretary, four as H ’°°r °’°t°` thousand five hundred dollars, and for additional compensation while the olhce is held by the present incumbent, one thousand five hundred dollars; Assistant Secretary, four thousand dollars· chief clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars, and five hundred dollars additional as superintendent of the Patent Office building and other buildin of the ‘ Department of the Interior; additional to one member of ddard of Ag °* *’°¤¤*°¤ Pension Appeals, acting as chief of the board, five hundred dollars; ` nine members of a Board of Pension Appeals, to be a pointed' by the Secretary of the Interior, at two thousand dollars eaegi; twenty addi- ,,,*}s°°“*°¤¤' m°m· tional members of the Board of Pension Appeals, to be selected and ` appointed by the Secretary of the Interior from persons not now or heretofore employed in the Pension Office and without compliance with the conditions prescribed by the Actentitled "An Act to regulate and "°‘· 2* P- m- improve the civil service,” approved January sixteenth, eighteen hundred and eight —three, for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and live, at two thousand dollars each;- three additional members of said Board of Pension Appeals, to be appointed by the Secretary of the Interior and to be selected from the orce of the Pension Office, at two thousand dollars each; special land inspector, connected with the administration ¤>¤d i¤Sr¢¤¤>¤· of the public- and service, to be appointed by the Secretar of the Interior and to be subject to his direction, two thousand five hundred dollars; four zpecial mspectors, Department of the Interior, to be ¤v¢¢*¤ii¤¤P¤¤*¤¤¤- appointed by_ e Secretary of the nterior and to be subject to his direction, at two thousand five hundred dollars each; clerk in charge of documents, twothousandoue hundred dollars; custodian, who shall sive l>6¤l* ie  ?¥¤!*¤*'*<¤i‘·¤¤¤{Y ·i@*¤i‘¤¤i¤¤ .

   &¤1a:·s;·¤¤vs¤‘c1¤rks, chiefs 6_ division at -<=¤·¤•··.·¤-»

two thousand two hundred and fiftydollars each, one of whom shall be disbursing clerk; four clerks, at two thousand dollars each; private secretary to the Secretary of the Interior, two thousand five hundred dollars; fourteen clerks of class four; fourteen clerks of class three; eighteen clerks of class two; twenty-eight clerks of class one, two of whom shall be stenogra hers or typewriters; returns office clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; female clerk, to be designated by the President, to sign land patents, one thousand two hundred do larslive clerks, at one thousand dollars each; one clerk, nine hundred dollars; ten co yists; two copyists or typewriters, at nine hundred dollars each; tedephone operator, nine hundred dollars; three messen- Messengers. ew. gers; six assistant messengers; fifteen laborers; two skilled mechanics, one at nine hundred dollars and one at seven hundred and twenty dollars; two carpenters, at nine hundred dollars each; plumber, nine hundred dollars; electrician, one thousand dollars; one laborer, six hundred dollars six laborers, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; one packer, six hundred and sixty dollars; two conductors of elevator, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; four charwomen; captain of the watch, one thousand dollars; forty watchmen; additional to two watchmen acting as lieutenants of watchmen, at one hundred and _ twenty dollars each; enginee1·, one thousand two hundred dollars; assistant engineer, one thousand dollars; and seven firemen; one clerk, p,§l?§°,'g,b“jfg*Q,Qj to·be appointed b the Secretary of the Interior, to sign, under the direction of the &cretary, in his name and for him, his approval of all tribal deeds to allottees and deeds for town lots made an executed accordin to law for any of the Five Civilized Tribes of Indians in the Indian 'Perritory, one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, three hundred and twenty-one thousand nine hundred and thirty dollars.