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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/264

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176 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1253. 1904. m(,§g"’“m°”* °"· Sec. 2. That there shall be exhibited at said ex ition by the ` Government of the United States from its Executive Ugpartments, the Smithsonian Institution, the National Museum, and the Library of Congress such articles and material as illustrate the function and administrative faculty of the Government in time of peace and its resources as a war power, tending to demonstrate the nature of our R£,*g§gQS§*A¤°'*“¤ institutions and their adaptation to the wants of the people; and the _ Bureau of American Republics is hereby invited to make an exhibit illustrative of the resources and international relations of the American Republics, and space in the United States Government building shall d£;’e‘;°’g{;'j°°* *’°°’d- be provided for that purpose, and to secure a complete and harmonious ' arrangement of such Government exhibita United States Government board shall be created, whose duty it shall be to select from the Government exhibit to be made by such Executive Departments at the city of Saint Louis, at the Louisiana Rurchase Exposition, in the ear nineteen hundred and four such articles and thin s as they may diem advisable, and transport the same to the city og Portland, Oregon to be there exhibited as a part of the Government exhibit at said exposition; and said United States Government board shall also be charged with the selection, urchase, preparation, transportation, arrangement, safe-keeping, exhibition, and return of such additional articles and materials as the heads of the several departments, the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, the Director of the National Museum, the Librarian of Congress, and the Director of the Bureau of . American Republics may respectively decide shall be embraced in said Government exhibit. nd said Government board is hereby authorized to rent and use such building or buildings in the District of _ Columbia; ai mlaylbe p;<ies§pr?· in the pfepalration of sgildtexhipit. t_'IQhe residen o e n1 a es mav a so esi na e a l»lO!l8. ar 10 es hgydmpvsitivn <>f for exhibition. Such Government board shrill be composed of one ' person to be named by the head of each of the Executive Departments, one by the head of the Smithsonian Institution and National Museum, one by the Librarian of Con , and one by the Director of the Bureau of éirplepiaan Rlppublics. ld(pnt shpllhrphme one of said persons so e i e asc airman, an e itse s a int its secretar mg::t*gcg;__G¤¤¤- disbursing omcer, and such other officers as it may dggrh necessary. Tile; _ membersof said Government board, with other officers and employees of . the Government who maybedetailed to assist them, including officers of the Army and Navy, shall receive no compensation in addition to their dirmvensng and per regular salaries, but they shall be allowed their actual and necessary °"' °‘""”‘ téravpbing Expéatpses, togeg e1:·w{_th a per diem in lieu of subsistence, to be xe y the cretary o the reasury, w ile necessaril * absent from ofelagggug Egg their homes engaged upon the business of the board. Dflicers of the muelse. Army and Navy shall receive said allowance in lieu of the subsistence . and mileage now allowed by law; and the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy may, in their discretion, detail retired army or navy officers for such duty. Any provision of law which may prohibit the detail of ersons in the emplo of the United States to other service · than that which they customarilly rform shall not a pl to persons detailed for duty in connection withesaid Lewis and cling Centennial ”g3{g}g;ps¤¤¤¤ 0* Erxpositiout Igppgms ofeghe boaxild not otherwise employed gy the ' overnmen s entit to suc com nsation as the oar ma determine, and such emplo ees may be selgcgted and appointed by said ' ogg? 0* d***>¤¤‘Si¤H board. The disbursing officer shall give bond in such_ sum as the Secretary of the Treasury may determine for the faithful performance Munce vffrmrls. of hrs duties, said bond to be ppproved by said Secretary. The Secretary of the Treasury shall vance to said officer from time to time, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, a sum of money from the appropriation for the Gov-