FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1253. 1904. 177 ernment exhibit herein authorized, not exceeding at any one time L‘”'*”- three-fourths of the penalty of his bond, to enable him to y the expenses of said exhibit as authorized b the United States G)dvern— ment herein created: Provided, 'lyhat so much of the Govern- {,‘g”¤*'°·*-md. . ment exhibit herein authorized as relates to forestry and irrigation tion Zi¤°iiitas. mm" shall be made in a separate building, to be erected as hereinafter provided for that purpose, and said building shall be known as the forestry and irrigation building, and shall be of sufficient size to accommodate forestry exhibits other than the United States forestry exhibits: And “*¤“°* °°¤*- pravzded further, That the cost of said exhibit herein authorized, mcluding the selection, purchase, preparation, transportation, arrangement, sa e—keeping, exhibition, an return of the articles and materials so exhibited, inc uding the forestry and irrigation exhibit, and for · rent of building or buildin s in the Districbof Columbia, shall not exceed the sum of two hundlred thousand dollars, which amount is APP’°P*“*“°”· hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. mo. 3. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to aid ·’““““‘ °x*’"’“~ ` the inhabitants of the district of Alaska in providing and maintaining an ap(propriate and creditable exhibit of the products and res0urces of said istrict at the said Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, and for that purpose he is authorized to appoint one or more persons to supervise the selection, purchase, pre ration, transportation,arran e- ment, installation, safe—keeping, exhibhion, and return of such artirdes as may be exhibited from said district at said exposition; and he is hereby authorized to select so much of the exhibit of the district of Alaska at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition at the city of Saint Louis, in the year nineteen hundred and four, as he may deem necessary for the purpose of making said exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, and that the cost of said exhibit of said district of Alaska, ¤¤¤**°* ¤>¤*- ine uding suchselection, purchase, preparatiomtransportation, arran e- ment, installation, safe-keepin , exhibition, and return of the articles so exhibited shall not exceed the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, which sum is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury Appnmrnmon. not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 4. That the Secretary of the Treasury shall cause a suitable l’“”'““¤”· building or buildings to be erected on the site selected for the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition for the said Government exhibit, including a suitable building for an exhibit of the United States Life- S‘§](€,LcQ,',f,§,g,j"'*¤ Savin Service, the forestry and irrigation building herein referred to, and also cause to be erected a suitable building or buildings on said Islorgnmlga. {fawn}!. site for the use of the district of Alaska, the Territory of Hawaii, the i§l.s.,m, pp "° " Philippine Islands, and also oriental and oceanic countries that may desire an exhibit of their products and resources at said ezgmsition. Said buildings shall be erected from plans prepared by the upervising Architect of the Treasury, to be approve by said United States Government board; and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby author- mM_ ized and directed to contract for said buildings in the same manner and under the same regulations as for other public buildings of the United States, but the contract for said buildings and the preparation Limit ems:. of grounds therefor and the lightirpg thereo , inclusive, s all not exceed the sum of two hundred and fi ty thousand dollars, which sum is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not other- _ wise appropriated. The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and mgzmjgwfi *¤¤ldrequired to dispose of said buildings, or the materials composing the same, at the close of the exposition, giving preference to the city of Portland, or to the said Lewis and Clark Centennial and American and Pacific Exposition and Oriental Fair corporation, to purchase the same at an a raised value to be ascertained in such manner as the Secretary of the rgeasury may determine. vo:. xxxm, vr 1--12
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