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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/308

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220 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1402. 1904. §g°,e’g§,{mLg*g.P°”· Sec. 16. That the Secretaryof the Interior be, and he is hereby, ` authorized and directed to issue a fee simple patent to Geor e J. Lemmon, a member of the Winnebago tribe of Indians, for the {lands heretofore allotted to him in Nebraska, to wit: The northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section thirty-tive, township twenty-six north, of range six east, of the sixth principal meridian, in Thurston County, and all restrictions as to the sale, incumbrance, or taxation of the same are hereby removed. N¢¤i¤ H·I>•v¤» Sec. 17. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, P°t°”°mf°° t°‘ authorized and directed to issue patents in fee to Nellie H. Davis, a Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indian, for the lands heretofore allotted to her in the 'I`erritory of Oklahoma, and all restrictions as to the sale, incumbrance, or taxation of said lands are hereby removed, said lands being described as follows, to wit: The northeast quarter of section twenty-nine, township fourteen north, of range fifteen west, of Indian meridian, in Oklahoma Territory. _ _§_‘gg,huQ,’£f,‘}¤’g fm, Sec. 18. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized mmauon. and directed to withhold from sale or other disposition the irregular _ tract of land containing seventy-eight and sixty-eight one-hundredths ` ·”°°°’*P“°“· acres, more or less, lying in the northwest chuarter of section two and the northeast quarter of section three, towns ip one south, range three east, and being within the exterior boundaries of the proposed town site of Sulphur, in the Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory, and excluded from said town site by order of the Secretary of the Interior, of October twentieth, nineteen hundred and three, and also to withdraw and withhold from disposition the tract of land within the exterior boundaries of said proposed town site, lying south of and adjacent to the tract above mentioned, containing in the aggregate one hundred and thir;y—eight acres, more or less, and mentioned in the report of Gerard . Matthes, of December twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and three, to F. H. Newell, Chief Engineer United States Geological Survey, and shown upon the map accompanying said report by a yellow line. mm p°"°’°‘ The land hereby reserved Shall be paid for by the United States at the rate of sixty dollars per acre and in the same manner as the land V0] 32 $55 acquired in accordance with paragraph sixty-four of the Act of Con- ` ’p‘gress approved July first, nineteen hundred and two, entitled "An Act to ratify and confirm an agreement with the Choctaw and Chickasaw tribes of Indians, and for other purposes," and such money as may App¤·¤r>¤·l¤¤¤¤- be necessary to carry out this provnsionis hereby appropriated, from any money in the United States Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and made immediately available. i*u»iiiriTii1<i§iYq` All improvements upon said land, at the assagc of this Act, shall be appraised and paid for as provided in saidp paragraph sixty-four of M the Act of July lirst, nineteen hundred and two. m,;?§§¥°m°"°’ °°°` The land hereby rescrved shall, immediately upon payment there- V"'·3*·P·"“’· for by the United States. be and become a part of the reservation heretofore established at the said village of Sulphur, and Shall be subject to all the provisions of said section Sixty-four of the Act of July first, nineteen undred and two, respecting the care, control, direction, M__ use, and occupancy thereof, as if they had been included in the origi- E,,;{,'§'Z§;,m,,0;,.,,g. nal segregation: Pr0·vz'ded, That the Secretary of the Interior is ““m°¤‘· hereby authorized, in the absence of other provisions for the care and management thereof, to designate an officer or employee of his Department to take charge of the land, whether acquired under said section sixty-four of the Act of July first, nineteen hundred and two. or under this Act, and to enforce rules and regulations for the control me of im and use thereof, and of the waters of the springs and creeks within mem_.._ '"°"°` the reservation: I%‘O27£'d€fljll)'{/lei?", That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to sell or dispose of any build-