264 FIFTY-EIGHTH oosonmss. sm. 11. os. 1485. 1904. PW D°P°'”¤°¤·‘- PAY DEPARTMENT: For pay of officers in the Pay Department, one hundred and twenty-eight thousand dollars. I·<>¤s·¤vi¤r- For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be (paid ‘ with their current monthly pay, thirty-eight thousand four hun red dollars. ln all, one hundred and sixty-six thousand four hundred dollars. _ Gjn'{,§_¤{$;“‘},‘j,‘;;’a“j§j »lUlX}E-ADVOCATE-GENERAL,S DEPARTMENT: For pay of officers in mem. the Jud B-AdV008$8-GCD81`&l,S Department, forty thousand dollars. Lvnserirr- I For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid with their current monthly pay, twelve thousand dollars. In all, fifty-two thousand dollars. Siam Corps SIGNAL Cours: For pay of the officers of the Signal Corps, ninety- four thousand eight hundred dollars. wnseuw. For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid with their current monthly pay, twenty-five thousand dollars. In all, one hundred and nineteen thousand eight hundred dollars. 0mR;g<>¤*·¤¤ P¢¤¤*<>¤ Rnoonn AND Pension Orrrcn; For pay of officers of the Record ` and Pension Office, eight thousand dollars. _ _ §¤_,¤g¢*¤g_; . For additional pay to such officers for lexégth of service, to.be paid p' with their current monthly pay, two hundr and fifty dollars. In all, eight thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. R¤¤r•=<1¤¤~ · mzrmnn ormcmzs. 0¤¢¤r¤· For pay of officers on the retired list and for officers who may be placed thereon during the current (year, one million nine hundred and w;*<;¤rg§;¤ M civil forty-four thousand nine hundred ollars and ninety-five cents. That ` any officer of the Army below the grade of brigadier-general who served with credit as an officer or as an enlisted man in the regular or volunteer forces during the civil war prior to April ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, otherwise than as a cadet, and whose name is borne on the omcial re ister of the Army, and who has heretofore been, or may hereafter be, retired on account of wounds or disability incident to the service, or on account of age or after forty years’ service, may, in the discretion of the President, by and with the advice . and consent of the Senate, be laced on the retired list of the Army . with the rank and retired pay o¥ one rade above that actually held by gfjgicus him at the time of retirement: Provided, That this Act shall not a ply `to any officer who received an advance of grade since the date of)his retirement or who has been restored to the Army and placed on the retired list by virtue of the provisions of a special Act of Congress; ,,;}j·gg!f*°¤*¤ *° ¤°· and the Secretary of War may assign retired officers of the Army, ` with their consent, to active duty in recruiting, for service in connection with the organized militia in the several States and Territories p..»»,;..su. upon the request of the governor thereof, as military attaches, upon courts-martial, courts of inquiry and boards, and to staff duties not §,5;*,g,i_****·· "”°“ er involving, service with troops; and such officers while so assigned shall receive the full y and allowances of their respective grades. ’·°¤•=**""Y- For additionalmpay to such officers for length of service, to be id with their current monthly pay, four hundred and twenty-five thiiusand dollars. In all, two million three hundred and sixty-nine thousand nine hundred dollars and ninety-five cents. nmrinnn mvmsnzn MEN. E¤“¤¤=** ¤¤¤¤· For pay of the enlisted men of the Army on the retired list, eight Y hundred and two thousand four hundred and ninety-eight dollars: _ {3;;;,,08 ,0, wv_ P;-ended, That hereafter in computing the length of service for retirememcmmaeze. ment, CII9d1h shall be given soldiers for double the time of their actual service in China, Cuba, the Philippine Islands, the Island of Guam,
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