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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/353

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FIFTY--EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1485. 190l. 2 65 Alaska, and Panama; but double credit shall not be gilven for service Riljgjglgpigg *‘°“° hereafter rendered in Porto Rico or the Territory of awaii. ` . That no plalrt of the sums appropriated for the support of the Regu- Minus. lar Army s ll be used to pay any part of the expenses of the organ- _A:-my =·ppr¤prm— ized militia of any State, Territory, or District of Columbia, w ile EL';-T'" "°t "’ °° 'md engaged in joint encampment, maneuvers, and field instruction of the "°‘· 3* P- ""· Regular Army and militia as provided by section fifteen of the Act of January twenty-first, nineteen hundred and three, entitled "An Act to rpgomote the eiliciency of the militia, and for other purposes." at the following sums be, and are hereby, appropriated for pay- _ Expenses or mmm ing the ezépenses of the organized militia of any tate, Territory, or '"°“°”""’"'°""’ °'°‘ District o Colu1nbia,fpart1cipating in joint encampment, maneuvers, _ and iield instruction o the Regular Army and militia as provided by V¤l.32.vv-717.179. sections fifteen and twenty-one of the Act of January twentyiirst, nineteen hpndred and téhpee, epltitled "An Act to promote the emciency of the militia an or other pur ses. For pay of officersand enlisted men, thiee hundred thousand dollars. Pw- For purchase of supplies for the Quartermaster’s and Ordnance ,,,‘§,‘,‘,}2§Q'“I‘,,‘{f,§§,?,,‘}“" Departments, including regular supplies, incidental expenses, barracks · an quarters, transportation of the militia and its supplies, clothing and equgpage, leases of land and damages of property, six hundred thousan dollars. For purchase of subsistence and supplies, one hundred thousand S“'°’*"°“°°· dollars. The sums hereby appropriated for the expenses of the organized *"““" °’°‘°°"· militia for such 'oint encampment, maneuvers, and field instruction shall be disbursed as, and for diat shall constitute, one fundg and the Secretary of War shall he er forward to Congress at i ,_,,§§f°“‘°“’ *’° ‘”"‘ negt session a detailed statement of the expenses of such encampments an maneuvers. · 1%`EOUS. I ““’°°“‘"°°“‘ For of not exceedin one hundred hos ital matrons, twelve H<>¤v**¤l¤¤¤¤‘<>¤¤· ousan o rs. ti. *5% u.. · g P For pay Hf one Superintendent Nurse Corps, one thousand eight ,,l§;gf,;;;’S*€¤°*'** hundred dollars.` For one hundred nurses, lift —five thousand and twent dollars. N¤¤°*· Y Y . . For pay of forty-two veterinarians, at one thousand five hundred "°‘*‘"“°"**“ - dollars, sixty-three thousand dollars. For thirty dental surgeons, fifty-six thousand one hundred and sixty D€"**** *"*'¤*""*· dollars. For pay of nineity paymasters’ clerks, one hundred and thirty-nine *’°Y"““‘°'”' "'°""‘· thousand nine hu red and seventy-eight dollars and twelve cents. For pay of paymastersf messengers, fifteen thousand dollars. Mmmm For traveling expenses of paymasters’ clerks and expert accountant rmveunzexpenses. of the Inspector—General’s Department, twenty thousand dollars. For expenses of courts-martial, courts of inquiry, military commis- conrn-mmm!. en-. sions, an compenlsation of reporters and witnesses attending the same, twenty thousand ollars. For additional pay to officer in charge of public buildin and n °“*°°’· s”‘“F{°¢’ grounds at Washington, District of Columbia, one thousan_d gdllars. nd gmumi W C For commutation of quarters to commissioned officers on duty, qggjggggé °‘ without troops, ag. stations where there are no public quarters, three ` hundred thousan dollars. h F gr travel allowanpe to enlisted men on discharge, one million five A11<>w¤¤<·¢.¤¤1i>¤<¤<¤ un red thousand do lars. mm For clothin not drawn, due to enlisted men on discharge, six hun- ¤¤<>¢¤i¤s¤<>¢<¤r¤w¤¤· dred thousanf dollars. For interest on soldiers’ deposits, one hundred and twenty-five deI¤¢<;{§¤¢¤¤ Soldiers' tlhousand dollars. and so much as may be necessary to pay back such W ' eposits.