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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/374

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286 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 1486. 190-l. Eogjggn fg;;?` "’ the best adapted to the locality he represents: Provided {dsa,. That the `seeds allotted to Senators and Representatives for distribution in the districts embraced within the twenty-fifth and thirty-fourth parallels V of latitude shall be ready for delivery not later than the tenth day of ,e§,§‘;°§§;°‘f January: Provided fi¢7·t}ze2·, That forty thousand dollars of the sum ¤¤¤¤¤l *5** thus a propriated, or so much thereof as the Secretary of Agriculture shall direct, may be used to collect, purchase, test, propagate, and distribute rare and valuable seeds, bulbs, trees, shrubs, vines, cuttings, and plants from foreign countries or from our possessions for experiments with reference to their introduction into and cultivation in this country; and the seeds, bulbs, trees, shrubs, vines, cuttings, and plants thus collected, purchased, tested, and propagated shall not be included in general distribution, but shall be used for experimental tests to ‘ be carried on with the cooperation of the agricultural experiment stations. - du*f,$§,j;,$‘°··"¥“P” INVESTIGATING rnonuocnon or DOMESTIC SUGAR! For all expenses, including the employment of labor in the city of Washington or elsewhere, necessary to enable the Secretary of Agriculture to develop the domestic production of su r-beet seed, to demonstrate the superiority of hi h-grade seed, audit to demonstrate the best methods of increasing die tonnage of sugar beets, to continue inquiry and ascertain the rogress made in the production of domestic sugar from beets and sorghum, including the area of available lands adapted thereto by irrigation or otherwise, and to investigate all other matters concernin the same, seven thousand five hundred dollars. dotal for Bureau of Plant lndustry, seven hundred and forty-four thousand four hundred and thirty dollars. Bureau of Forestry- BUREAU OF F ORESTRY. S¤**”°*·- BUREAU or Fonmstrnr, sALAn11:s: One forester, who shall be Chief of Bureau, three thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant forester, two thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant forester, two thousand dollars; one assistant forester, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one sten ‘ rapher., one thousand two hundred dollars; one field assistant, oneotdiousand five hundred dollars; one field assistant, one thousand four hundred dollars; one field assistant, one thousand two hundred dollars; one field assistant, one thousand dollars: ten collaborators, at three hundred dollars each, three thousand dollars; one clerk class three, one thousand six hundred dollars; one photogra her, one thousand two hundred dollars; one com uter, one thousand) dollars; three clerks class one, three thousand six Ihundred dollars; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each, two thousand dollars; four clerks, at nine hundred dollars each, three thousand six hundred dollars; seven clerks, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each, five thousand and igoixy dollars; in all, thirty-seven thousand one hundred and forty c dollars. <>··¤·—r¤1expe¤se==. GENERAL nxmzxsus, BUREAU or F ORESTRY: To enable the Secretarv of Agriculture to experiment and to make and continue investigations and report on forestry. forest reserves, forest tires, and lumbermg: to advise the owners of woodlands as to the proper care of the same; to investigate and test American timber and timber trees; to seek, through investigations and the planting of native and foreign species, suitable trees for the treeless regions, including the erection of the necessary buildings: Prwided, That the cost of any building erected shall not exceed five hundred dollars: to collect and distribute valuable economic forest-tree seeds and plants; for the employment of local and special agents, clerks. assistants. and other labor required in practical forestry and in conducting experiments and investigations in the city of lVash— ington and elsewhere, and for collating. digesting, reporting, illustrat-