-FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 1610-1613. 1904. 313 CHAP. 1610.-An Act Pro ‘ ‘ ‘ · · · A rn , . me mm or nc was semIL‘Z"é€J§{§‘,5l2?f“iiJ§£ “’"”’ °* ”’° ""°“‘“ “"d d"' '°r¤- zisiim Public, N . 1 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United [ 0 69] States of America in Congress assembled, That hereafter, and until U¤it¤dS¤¤w2¤¤¤a¤~ otherwise provided bg law, regular terms of the circuit and district ad.i{·i'SlY‘°“ ’°°“°”`l courts of the United tates for the district of Montana shall be held ,,],’€‘{,Q,§’· P- ***2- at Great Falls, Montana, on the first Monday in Ma and on the first T;?;, Great Falls. Monday in October in each year, and causes civil and, criminal may be ¤ul¤0nz€`H.°f °°°S°° transferred by the court or {ud e thereof from Helena or Butte to Great Falls or from Great `ali to Butte or Helena, in said district, when the convenience of parties or the ends of justice would be promoted by the transfer; and any interlocutory order may be made by the court or judge thereof in either place. ‘ Approved, April 27, 1904. t CHAP. 181 1 .—-An Act To amend an Act entitled "A.n Act to authorize the Mont- AP? gimery Bridge Company to construct and maintain a bridge across the Alabama __;.;; 1ver near the c1ty of Montgomery, Alabama," approved March first, eighteen [P¤b1i¤.N¤·170-] hundred and ninety-three. Be it enacted by the Senate and House cfltegwesentatenzes 0 f the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the said Montgomery glfubjggtglfgg ,0, Bridge Company shall have authority to construct said bridge men- urmsinzb py um. tioned in said Act, across the Alabama River, under and subgect to the §’?§r¤lm“u$>i¤$: limitations and restrictions mentioned in said Act, and in the amend- °*’{,v(;§'*·,, P 6,, ment thereto approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety- mmm. ’‘ seven, if the actual construction of the bridge therein authorized shall be commenced within one vear from the approval of this Act and completed within three years from same date. ‘ Approved, April 27, 1904. CHAP. 1612.-An Act To promote the circulation of reading matter among the AP¤‘11W· 190*- blind- [S. $129.] Public, No. 171. Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0_fR?resentatives 0 f the United [ _ 1 States of America in Congress assembled, That books, pamphlets, and §‘§§°3{n”§','Q{§E;,, fo, other reading matter in raised characters for the use of the blind, gfdggmgfbgm whether prepared by hand or printed, in single volumes, not exceeding aesmmom. ` ten pounds in weight, or in packages, not exceeding four poun s in weight, and containing no advertising or other matter whatever, unsealed and when sent by public institutions for the blind, or by any public libraries, as a loan to blind readers, or when returned by the latter to such institutions or public libraries, shall be transmitted in the United States mails free of postage, and under such regulations as the Postmaster~Genera1 may prescribe. Approved, April 27, 1904. CHAP. 1613.-An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act authorizing the con- AvY1127·1904· struction of a bridge across the Cumberland River at or near Carthage, Tennessee," approved March second, nineteen hundred and one. [Public, No. 172.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ States of America in Congress assembled, That an Act entitled "An Act §§,f,‘§{,'},Q§,fd*;],’$g, authorizing the construction of a bridge across the Cumberland River 11;ridsi¤z.byC¤¤h¤g¤, at or near ge, Tennessee," approved March second, nineteen hun- 'f?'§i_ 31, p_ 9;,8, dred and one, be, and the same is hereby, revived and declared to be in '·'”°°d°*’· full force and edect, and that section five of said Act is hereby amended
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