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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/402

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314 F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 1613-1615. 1904. so as to read as follows: "That this Act shall be null and void if said bridge is not commenced within one year and completed within three years from the first day of April, nineteen hundre and four." Approved, April 27, 1904. Arg! 3116 A¢€t81;pmitd:1gJ:;1Se;)m§kag1nd Clgeorokee Centrall Crim- ___+ n e r, `t [Public,No.173.] El m anlildosiisveg railroad§zr§p1 }i· pr1dpI;artlyi;iri;Tth§:1digh(T;%ar1di;- Isllalnd and Pacific Companyilzirod fol other (piilrgiulgsln O E lcago Oc Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatw}ves of the United g£f;¤a}l`g¥5*,{gr*gi% States of Amer£ea in Oongreas assembled, That the Ozark and Cherokee cemmrmurmncom- Central Railroad Comparzy may sell and convey to the Saint Louis and

‘§f{;, of wow San_:`rancisoo Racdroad ompagyipr tpttheé Clhicagp, Rpckflslagdhantd

_ acr c wa mpany pa 0 e rar roa 0 said rs -

company_extendi_ng from Fayetteville to Okmulgee

which is srtuate in the Indian Territory, together with all the property, rrghtsaprrvileges, and franchises appurtenant or relating thereto, such sa e an conveyance to be made upon such terms and conditions as may be agreeg upon by the boards of directors of the respective companies partrest ereto. {gum mley Sec. 2. That the Arkansas Valleyoand Western Railway Com any

 by may sell and conveylto the Saint uis and San Francisco Raillioad

,0 mgm, Company or to the icatgo, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company all 0 the railroad of said Arkansas Valley and lVestern Railway Company extending from Tulsa Junction, Indian Territory, to Enid and Avard, Oklahoma Territory, together with all the property, rights, privileges, and franchises appurtenant or relating thereto, such sale and conveyance to be made upon such terms and conditions as may be agxd alponuby the boards of directors of the respective companies pa res ere . Approved, April 27, 1904. April 27, ram. CHAP. 1615.-An Act Declaring each of the tunnels under the Chicago River [ LR- 4483] an obstruction to navigation, and for other purposes. · """’“°·"°‘"*‘ 1:., a amadqyxza smamzume ry·12q»·ammaa of the mam g€{:=;s&l{Km vm_ States ofAm.e¢·zca en Omzgrexa assembled, That the tunnels under the cngo nlm m. he- Chicago River in the State of Illinois at La Salle street, Washington f,§‘§m,{{§‘Q,'_“‘°‘*°“’ '° starief, and near Vim Bupen ptirleet, in tlhe city 05 Chicago, in) said State o mors, are, an eac 0 em is ere 1y, eclare to e, as now constructed an unreasonable obstruction to the free avi t" f 'd Chicago Riirer, and each of said tunnels is herebyndecirddntb biila m¢;l;3$3¤.¤¤g$)g¤¢ public nuisance. And it shall be the duty of the Secretary of War to Notice to owners. give qotrce to thef pgrsons orisopporagons owning or cgntrolling said unne s, or any o em, so a er the same as to ren er navigation over said tunnels free easy and unobstructed and in' h notice he shall specify the bhanges recommended tlilvglbeiubf Engineers that are needed to be made rn order that said tunnels, or anv of them, shall not thereafter be an obstruction to navigation, and shall · prescribe in each case a reasonable time in which to make said changes. m 0%gtglg: f atwthe expiration of such time such changes have not been made, umn. the Secretary of ll ar shall forthwith notify the United States district attorney for the northern district of Illinois, rn which said tunnels are situated, to the end that the crrmrnal proceedings hereinafter prescribed may be taken. If the person or persons, corporation or corporations,