FIFIY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sress. II. Cris. 1615-1617. 1904. 315 owning or controlling any of the said tunnels shall, after receiving notice to that effect, as hereinbefore required, from the Secretary of War, and within the time prescribed by him, fail or refuse to remove the same or to make the changes specified in the notice of the Secretary of War, such person or persons, corporation or corporations, shall be deemeczdgnilty of a mis emeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be P°¤*l’·Y· punish by a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars; and each and every month such person or persons, corporation or corporations, shall remain in default in respect to the removal or alteration of such tunnel shall be deemed a new offense and subject the person or persons, corporation or mymmtions, so offending to the penalty herein prescribed: Itovided, t in any case arising under the rovisions Prwiw. of this Act an appeal or writ of error ma be taken from the district A"°°1' court or from the circuit court direct to the Supreme Court either by the United States or by the defendants. Approved, April 27Q 1904. CHAP. 1616.-An Act To provide an American register forthe steamer Beaumont. ig:-l1R2’1,5i7%0;. Be it enacted by the Senateemd House of Representatives of the United [rubric, No. us.] States of America in Congress assembled, That the Commissioner of ··mn-¤,··m¤me»-. Navigation is hereby authorized and directed to cause the foreign-built steamer Mira, owned by a citizen of the United States, to be registered E1'g,*§,_¤,q,‘;,*gn*§%?¤¢°d °° as a vessel of the United States, under the name of Beaumont, when- commons. ever it shall be shown to the Commissioner of Navigation that the repairs made in the United States, together with the salvage, less the amount expended in payment of wages to foreign worldngmen and in the employment of foreign tugs and for foreign material have amounted to three times the price paid or the wreck (exclusive of salvage) to her foreign owners. Approved, April 27, 1904. CHAP. 1617.-An Act Making appropriations for the payment of invalid and Apr112‘7.{904. other pensions of the United States for the iiscal year ending June thirtieth, nine- __v},l·_l$j'@___ teen hundred and five, and for other purposes. [rubric, No. ms.} Be it enacted by the Senate and Ilouezgf 1?epresentat¢}ves of the United States of America in Congress assemb , That the following sums be, Pensions appropriaand the same are hereby, approtpriated out of any money in the Treas- °°°"”' ury not otherwise appropriate , for the payment of pensions for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and live, and for other purposes namely: For army and navy pensions, as follows: For invalids, widows, minor dmvnud. ew., penchildren, and dependent relatives, army nurses, and all other pension- °““‘ ers who are now borne on the rolls, or who may hereafter be placed thereon under the provisions of any and all Acts of Congress, one hundred and thirty-seven million ten thousand six hundred dollars: Provided, That the appropriation aforesaid for navy pensions shall be govwwim al paid from the income of the navy nsion fund, so far as the same guniily m mv ‘ shall be sufficient for that purpose: ed farther-, That the amount A¤¢<>¤¤¤- expepded under each of the above items shall be accounted for separate y. For fees and expenses of examining surgeons, pensions, for services ge§:S¤m*¤*¤S Sufrendered within the fiscal year nineteen hundred and Eve, eiglglhundred resi thousand dollars. And each member of each examining rd shall, as now authorized by law, receive the sum of two dollars or the exami-
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