FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1620. 1904. 321 hundred and sixteen (216) Indians of the Devils Lake Reservation, North Dakota, to the foregoing agreement. . F. RABINNOVITZ, Agency Clerk. Ioxnius Councr, · Postmaster, Fort Totten, N. Dak. DEVH8 LAKE Aonxcr, N. DAK., November 7, 1901. ` I certify that the total number of male adult Indians, over eigllliteen - (lggyears of age, belongin on the Devils Inke Reservation, orth cts, is two hundred ang] ninety-six_ (296), of whom two hundred and sixteen (216) have signed the foregoing agreement. · F. O. Gnronnm., U. S. Indian Agent. DEv1Ls LAKE Aomivcr, N. DAK., November 7, 1901. Therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRepresentatak>es of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That said agreement be, and edAzr¢¤me¤¤ amendthe same is hereb , modiiied and amended to read as follows: ‘ "ARTICI.E I. Tl1e said Indians belongin on the Devils Lake Indian L°““l°* °°d°d· Reservation, North Dakota, for the consideration hereinafter named, do herebv cede, surrender, nt, and conve to the United States all their claim, right, title, angraxterest in and, to all that rt of the Devils Lake Indian Reservation now remaining unallottedlr including the tract of land at pcresent known as the Fort Totten Military Reserve, situated theundsries of the said Devils Lake Indian Reserva- . tion, and being Lgart thereof; except six thousand one hundred and sixty acres requi for allotments to sixtylone Indians of said reservation entitled to allotments, but to whom allotments have not yet been made, said sixty-one allotments to be made by the United States under the provisions of the general allotment Act of February eighth, {Kg}- g- E; ‘,§ eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, as amended February twenty-` eighth, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, subject to right of way granted to Jamestown Northern Railway. "A1rr. II. In consideration of the land ceded, relinquished, and con- SW ¤¤•¤¤¤~ veyed by article one of this agreement, and in full of all claims and demands of said Indians of Devils Lake Reservation, North Dakota, arisinfg or growing out of the erroneous survey of the western boundary o their reservation in eighteen hundred and seventy-five. whereby about sixty-four thousand acres were excluded therefrom; also in fu i for timber taken from their reservation for use of the military post of Fort Totten, from eighteen hundred and sixty-seven to eighteen hundred and ninety (covering the period from the time of its establishment to the time of its discontinuance), the United States stipulates and agrees to dispose of the said lands to settlers under the provisions of the homestead and town—site laws, except sections sixteen and thirty- six, or an equivalent of two sections, in each township, and except such lands as may be reserved, as hereinafter provided, and to pay to Payment said Indians the proceeds derived from the sale of said lands; and also s¤1m¤1,ew.,1•¤mt the United States stipulates and agrees to pay for sections sixteen and thirty-six, or an equivalent of two sections, in each township, and fol such lands as may be reserved for school, agency, church, and mission purposes, at the rate of three dollars and twenty-five cents per acre. in-me per ms. "Am·. III. It is agreed that out of the funds accruing from the sale ui? ¤¤·:>i¤¤ di¤¢rib¤— of the said lands there shall be paid to the said Indians. in cash, per °. capita, share and share alike, to each man, woman, and child belonging on the said reservation, within four months after the date of the procvon, xxxm. rr 1-··—21* ·
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