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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/556

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468 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1762. 1904. C°"“`“°*· dollars; and the total cost of said tender, under a contract which is hereb authorized therefor, shall not exceed one hundred and twenty- l’l*·¤¤·°°°· five tliousand dollars; and the Light—House Board is authorized to employ temporarily at Washington not exceeding three draftsmen, to be paid at current rates, to prepare the plans for the tenders for which appropriations are made py this Act; such draftsmen to be paid from an equitably charged to e appropriations, for buildingisuch vessels; such employment to cease and etermine on or before the date when, the plans for such vessels being iinished, proposals for building said vessels are invited by advertisement. ,r,'€*;¤d*>*· smh dir Tender for the inspector, sixth light-house district: Toward con- ` structing, equipping, and outfifting, complete for service a new steam tender for buoyage, supply, and inspection in the sixth light-house district, to take the place of the worn-out tender Wistaria, fifty thousand dollars; and the total cost of said tender under a contract which is hereby authorized therefor, shall not exceed one hundred and thirty thousand dollars. · · ,,'i‘¤¤¤¤,· ¤*¤*¤¤¤· Tender for Luke Suiperior to be used by the inspector of the eleventh light-house district: oward constructing, equipping, and outfifting, complete for service, a new steam tender for buoyage, supply, and inspection in the eleventh light-house district, fifty thousand dollars; an the total cost of said tender, under a contract which is hereby anplrorized therefor, shall not exceed one hundred and forty thousand - dollars. §?g8° P~°°*· Wis- Peshtigo Reef lightvessel, Wisconsin: For additional amount for ' completing the light vessel and fog signal at or near Peshtigo Reef, Green Bay, Lake Michigan, Wisconsin, five thousand dollars. NTe;,!¤¤{,°,f,*f}:¤8,f,°*$; For expenses of transfer of the two light vessels for the Pacific nmcm. coast, now being constructed in New Yor and New Jersey, to San Francisco, in the twelfth light-house district, authority is hereb given to use not to exceed twenty thousand dollars of the unexpencle bal- V"' u' " 1m' anees of the appro riations for constructing liglht vessels provided for . in the sunday civil} appropriation Act approve March third, nineteen hundred an three. meur-Housr: nsrmmsumnxr. Hj,’g,*g*,f°“° ’*"""‘ Snrrums or mom-nousns: For supplying fog signals, light-houses, and other lights with illumiuatin , c earring, preservative, and such S¤PP“¤¤· em other materials as may be required lor annual consumption; for books, boats, and furniture for stations, traveling expenses of civilian members of Light-House Board in attending meetings of board at Vllashington, and not exceeding three hundred dollars for the purchase of technical and lprofessiona books and periodicals for the use of the Li ht-House oard, and for all other necessary incidental expenses, inaguding the pay of officers and crews of light-house tenders and of clerks and other employees in the offices of the light-house inspectors and light-house engineers and at lighthouse depots, four hundred and _ seventy-five thousand dollars. ·

    • °P°“"- °‘°· Rnmrns or mcrrr-nousns: For repairing, protecting, and improving light-houses and buildings; for improvements to grounds connected

therewith; for establishing and repairing day marks and pierhead and other beacon lights, including purchase of land for same; for illuminating apparatus and machinery to replace that already in use; construction of necessary outbuildings, at a cost not exceedin two hundred dollars at any one 'ght station in any fiscal year; and Erm all other necessary incidental expenses relating to these various objects including the ay of officers and crews of light-house tenders and of clerks and other employees in the offices of the light-house inspectors and light-house gngpxeers and at light-house depots, seven hundred and forty thousand o rs.