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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/620

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532 FI.F1`Y—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1778. 1904. religious, educational, and charitable purposes, and thelhousehold furniture ofdthe head oil a faplnly pr a hous;el}older nolt gceedyng h dred ollars in v ue s a e exemp rom suc x: mm e Exception- fxrzher, That the laws exinmpting certain property from levy and sale on execution shall not a ply to said taxes or the collection of the same. D¤¤¤k¤¤¤¤¤. atc- Tenth. To prohibit dprunkenness, gambéing, houses} or places of illfa disorderly conduct or conduct en angering t 18 public peace, pubhb health, or public ssifety, to define such offenses, and to prescribe the punishment therefor, but such punishment shall not exceed in any case a fine of one hundred dollars or imprisonment in the municipal jail not exceeding ninety days, or both, in the discretion oi the court, together with the costs of prosecution. The costs of suc imprison- . ment shall be borne by the municipality and not by the United States. All lines and costs imposed and collected for violation of municipal ordinances splall belong td the municipallizry gd be paid over tp ig treasurer. e municipa magistrate s ve ju°ction o a actions for violation of municipal ordinances, and appeals shall lie from gis judgments tof the district court in gh; same manner as appeals from . e 'udgments o ex officio justices o it e peace. · mn, em. lilewentg. To mal? dge provisionhforkthe maintenance of a munici- · paiai an toprovietesamewit a eeper._ _ _ Sch001¤.etc» Twelftp. To Ieitablflsh line or moge school d11str;1cts, to provide tI5e same wit suita e sc oo ouses an to provide the necessary un s for the maintenance of schools, ,but such school districts and schools, when established, shall be under the supervision and control of a senwiwm. schlool of three meimbers, ploniistipg of a direpforé Hi trealsurer, ' an acer tobeeecte annuay ytevoteo a autswoare citizens of the United States or who have declared their intention to Term. become such and whlo arle rgsidentscpg the school distript. The memé bers of said board s all ol their ce for the term o one year an until their successors ape egected and gualineig, and grey shall Each, ` before entering upon the uties of their office ta e an oat in writing, to honestly and faithfully discharge the diities of their triist. All money available for school puizposes, except for the construction and equipment of schoolhouses an the acquisition of sites for the same, shall be transferred to the treasurer of said board, shall be expppdefll anderttllme direction of fsaid board, and th; of paid boa s a be e custodian o said mone an e s a be ore '1‘r¤¤¤¤¤r'¤¤·>¤¤- entering upop thebdufiels of his office,hgive his bpnd, with sufficient sureties to t. e sc oo istrict. in suc sum as the common council may direct and subject to its approval, but not less than twice the amount that may come into his ands as treasurer, conditioned that he will honestly and faithfully disburse and account for all money Teachers. that may come 1!]tO his hands as such treasurer. The said board shall pavehthe poweihto hare and hemptpy the necessalry teachers, to provide or eating an lig ting the sc oolhouse an in general to do and pelpfopm everything necessary for the due maintenance of a proper sc oo . _ S¤¤i¤¤¤<>¤- Thirteenth. To take such action by ordinance, resolution, or otherwise, as may be necessary to protect and preserve the lives, the health, th? sagety, and the well—being of the people in the town and to publish a or inances. ¤·1··¤¢r we- gse. 5. That tlfe common coungil may exercipe their powers by o inance or reso ntion but no or inance or reso ntion shall be valid unless adopted by a vote of four members of the council, at a meeting Bgmméseue. em., where not less than five members are present. The council shall have pm ‘ no authority to issue bonds or incur any bonded indebtedness, nor shall they have authority to incur a greater indebtedness or liability of any klind in any year than the current revenues of the municipalitv for t at year. `