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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/795

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708 F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cus. 555, 556. 1905. F¤b1’¤¤¤'Y @1906- CHAP. 555.-An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act to authorize W. Denny [H- R- *77**9-1 and Company w bridge Dog Ravel-, in me sane of 1m¤s1ss1ppi.·· - [Public, NDI 57.] Be it enacted by the Senate and H0/use 0 f Rqwesentatévee 0 f the Cbzited {,•g§*°;°’,,·,,“,“*,, ,0, States of America in Congress assembled, That W. Denny and Combrn;;1¤g,i»y w. neu- pany, a corporation of the State of Mississippi, its successors and "’;,,,,,,°'};_ 170, ,,,,,,,,1. assigns, be, and is hereby, authorized to construct and maintain the ad- bridge mentioned in the Act approved April eleventh, nineteen hundred and four, entitled "An Act to authorize penny and Company to bridge Dog River, in the State of Mississ1ppl1," under and subject mmm. to the provisions of said Act: Provided, That the actual construction ¤QT"° °‘ °°°°°“°` of the bridge therein authorized be commenced within one year and completed within three years from the date of approval of this Act. Approved, February 8, 1905. Febrrngg,-19lB. CHAP. 556.-An Act:.l‘o allow; the Minneagilis, Lake and Railway · ls- l Gompanyto acquire certain landsm the Red ke Indian Reservation, Mmnesota. [Public, No. 58. · I Be it enacted by the Senate and House of RepresentatvIves of the United m§g§,.{“j.}°u‘:;f{’;¤ States of America in Umgess assembled, That there is hereby granted munsrin, me to the Minneapolis, Red ke and Manitoba Railwpy Company, a cor- §f,°§‘{,,,,. g§‘;i,,°§,,°§ poration organized and existing nmder the laws of e State of Minne- ·¢¤¤¤*¤d1¤¤¤¤i¤· sota, its successors and assigns owning and operatin , as successor of the Red Lake Transportation Company, a line of raiboad in the State of Minnesota, havin its northern terminus at a point on the shore of Lower Red Lake, Linnesota, in section nineteen, township one hundred and fifty-one north, range thirty-three west, in the Red Lake Indian Reservation, as more particularly shown upon a map of deiinite location a proved by the Secretary of the Interior ebruary eighteenth, nineteen lllundrcd and three, pursuant to the provisions of tde Act of Congress a proved March second, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, entitled “Kn Act to provide for the acquiring of rights of way by railroad companies through Indian reservations, Indian lands, and v¤1.su,p.m. Indian allotments, and for other purposes" (Thirtieth Statutes, nine · · hundred and ninet )., the right to select and take from the lands of the Red Lake Indian 'Reservation grounds adjacent to its northern terumnsrucmge. minus, conforming; to legal subdivisions and not to exceed in extent three hundred an twenty acres. mgg;}¤1§g¤¤¤¤¤ *°I¤· Sec. 2. That before title to said lands shall vest in the said railway 'company, and before said company shall occupy or use said lands, compensation therefor shall be made to the tribes of Indians residing upon the said reservation and to any individual occupant of any of said lands. The amount of compensation for said lands shall be ascertained and determined in such manner as the Secretary of the Interior may direct and be subject to his final approval. ”°P°- Sec. 3. That said company shall tile maps, in duplicate, showing the definite location of the grounds so selected and taken, which said maps shall be subject to the a proval of the Secretary of the Interior; but no right of any kind shah vest in said railway company in or to any lpart of the grounds herein authorized to be selected and taken unti the maps s owing the same shall have been approved by the Secretary of the Interior and until compensation aforesaid shall have been fixed and paid. Ferfeimre. Sec.' —1·. That the right herein nted shall be forfeited by said company unless the maps showing gd grounds authorized to be taken, as herein provided, shall be tiled and compensation aforesaid made within one iyear after the passage of this Act. S¤¤·>fi¤¢¤¤¤¤¤¤. Sec. 5. he laws of the United States now in force, or that may hereafter be enacted, prohibiting the introduction and sale of intoxi-