FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 556-558. 1905. 709 eating liquors in the Indian country, shall be in full force and effect throughout the territory hereby granted, until otherwise directed by Congress or the President of the United States, and for that purpose sand tract shall be held to be and to remain a part of the diminished Red Lake Indian Reservation. Sec. 6. That Congress reserves the right to alter, amend, or repeal ‘““°"°‘“°“"· this Act or any part thereof.· Approved, February 8, 1905. CHAP. 557.-—An A tTo mend a A t ‘'F¢br¤¤¤'8.1906. District of Columbia- c a n c to regulate the height of buildings in the [Si wm [Public, N0. 59.] Be it emzcted by the Senate and House of Repre0entatt2:es of the United _ _ States of America in (ongress assembled, That section two of the Act %§§Q§§°§§’°Q‘,},F§,§’*e:; of Congress entitled "An Act to regulate the height of buildin s in bosses the District of Columbia." approved March first, eighteen hun%red ..¤lJLae(iC°' P' m' and ninety-nine, is hereb amended by adding thereto the following: "'I%·0vtded, That all buildings hereafter erected to front or abut on 1jrq¢··is<>· _ , the plaza in front of the new Union Station, p1'0Vl(lGd for b Act of I{¤'$i?§f°$}` g°{'§_P1°"' Congress approved February twenty-eighth, nineteen hundsled and three, shall Se fireproof and shall not be of a height greater than eighty feet." Approved, February 8, 1905. CHAP. 558.-An Act For the relief of holdem and owners of certain District of Fc¤'¤¤18.19¤6. ooiumms spasm-mx mp. . f¤· B- 394*-1 {renin, N0. so.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of tbe United States of rlmertca in. Congress assembled, That the Commissioners of Dismczucoiumbis. the District of Columbia are hereby authorized and directed to receive ,,,§‘j’,‘}§“,*Z§,‘;f',‘§f,,§{’,‘; and audit such of the following special-tax scri for the redemption of mdwhich there is no existing law, and to (pay to tlie holders and owners thereof the amounts respectively foun to be due them on such scrip, including interest thereon at the rate of three per centum per annum nm trimmer. from the date of issue to the date of the approval of this Act, which interest shall be in lieu of the rate of interest provided in the certiiicates of said s cial-tax scrip, and in full of all interest thereon, namely: Scrip deleted May twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and sixty- Scrip m be re nine, on lot nine in reservation ten, fifty-eight dollars; scrip dated °°°"‘°°= July twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and seventy, on lot two in square three hundyred and sixty-five, thirteen dollars and forty-seven cents; . scrip dated December sixth, eighteen hundred and seventy, on lot one in square thirty-three, sixty-seven dollars and twenty-four cents; scrip dated December sixth, eighteen hundred and seventy, on lot twenty-one in square thirty-three, sixty-seven dollars and twenty-four cents; scrip dated December sixth, eighteen hundred and seventy, on lot one in square thirty-two, sixtyseven dollars and twenty-four cents; scrip dated January twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, on lot of eight in square forty-one, for two dollars and seventy-four cents: scrip dated January twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, on lot of eight in square forty-one, for two dollars and seventy-three cents; scrip dated January twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, on lot of eight in square forty-one, two dollars and seventy-three cents; scrip dated January twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy—0ne, on lot of eight in square forty-one, two dollars and seventy-three cents; scrip dated July first, eig teen hundred and seventy-one, numbered
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