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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/902

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess.IlI. CHs.799,800,1158. 1905.815 licenses to vessels and to perform such other duties relating to customs and commerce and navigation as the Secretary may direct, and be paid such compensation as he may deem proper. Sec. 2. That the compensation and emoluments of the collector of I Fw. ew-. of culcustoms for the district of Albemarle, in the State of North Carolina, °°°°r‘ shall be continued to be paid on the same basis as heretofore. Sec. 3. That this Act shall take eifect July first, nineteen hundred F¤¢<=¢· and tive. Approved, February 25, 1905. CHAP. 800.—An Act Referring the claim of Hannah S. Crane and others to the February 25, 1905. Court of Claims. [n. R. mass.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRem·esentat2}ves of the United [Public, NDI M'] States of America in Congress assembled, That jurisdiction be, and the €t§¤¤¤¤h C¤‘¤¤€· same is hereby, conferre on the Court of Claims to hear the claim of claim ro; mm iu Hannah S. Crane and others for the value of certain real property in §§{},,.,’;'d"“,'f}’§'f;u,‘{“},g the city of San Francisco, in the State of California, in which they C1¤i¤¤· claim an undivided one—sixth interest, upon the evidence already filed in said court and such additional legal evidence as may be hereafter presented on either side; and if said court shall find that said parties acquired a valid title to said real pro rty as claimed, said court shall award the said parties the market valhi of the undivided one-sixth of said propert at the time possession was taken of ifby the United States. And, before receiving the same, all of said parties shall execute a release to the United States for all right, title, and interest whatsoever in and to the wid pro rt , and any defense, set-off, or counterclaim may be pleaded by tb); [Phited States, as defendants, as in cases - within the general jurisdiction of the court, and either party shall have the same right of appeal as in such cases. Approved, February 25, 1905. CHAP. 1158.-An Act Making provision for conveying in fee certain public l"¤*b"¤§¤'_§'?7· l90'·· grounds in the city of Saint Augustine, Florida, for school purposes. i.[i;.ILiYi"id.. [Publl0, X0. 107.] . Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 f Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That any conveyance hereto- g¤·;¤<;¤5- n f,, M fore or hereafter made by the mayor of Saint Augustine, Florida, to bUf(;lt‘llgl·;ll§ld(l0t'PI0 the board of public instruction of Saint Johns County, Florida, of that §f,§‘{,§,,f,‘},‘,§f‘;,f,’f’““*’- certain tract or (parcel of ground situate in the sand city of Saint Augustine, F lori a, known as the "old burnt hospital l0t," heretofore conveyed by the United States Government to the mayor of Saint Augustine, Florida, in trust for school purposes, be, an the same is hereby, authorized, ratified, and confirmed; and the title in and to said '““° lot, upon such conveyance being made, shall vest the title to said Iground in fee in the board of public instruction of Saint Johns County, orida, aforesaid. And the said board of public instruction of Saint Johns S**‘°· County, Florida, is hereby authorized to sell and convey said lot of ground, and to use and appropriate the proceeds thereof in the erec- U" °‘P’°°"°”· tion and construction of a public school building in said city of Smnt Augustine, Florida. Approved, February 27, 1905.