coNvENr1oN-cannon. .XRTICLE IV. ”Ap0pov 4···, When a court of one of the two 'Ooding 6ma0·n}pzov T7?; éré. sufglgj countries shall desiretoreceive the pa; 167 6150 xwpeév Gékaz va? Adjudicial declaration or deposition ,61, ézxaa-ru¢1}v oriltmazv ij nanfof a consul-general, consul, vice- Oeaw yavzxoé vrpoéévov, yrpoconsul or consular agent, who is a Eévov, rinorrpoéjévov 6 1rpoEccitizen of the State which ap- armor? upéuropog, 7l0h{TOU 105 pointed him and who is engaged Jzopiaav-rog aurdv updrovg, in no commercial business, it shall oz}6e;1iav 6’é;u:opiav perepxorequest him, in writing, to appear yévov, npoaualei aurdv éyypé- before it; and in case of his in- ¢mg 5'zcog rrp0a5A0g; évoimov ability to do so, it shall request a1i·ro0· 5v zrepxyrroioez 61} xmhim to give his testimony in writ- hiya10g, {mei 11}v e5rypu¢ov ing, or shall visit his residence or 1113106 yaprvpiav fj psrapaivez oflice to obtain it orally. ei; T7}V ;¢a1omiav r`} 16 ypaqicfov dl}TOl-5 {Wa Xécgj razirqv dual Caiarys. - It shall be the duty of such ofli- °O eipqpévog zizrélkqlog o¢az’- cer to comply with this request Ae; vv} a·v;¢;wp¢n51m yrpdg 11}v with as little delay as possible. aihyozv T6¥‘l$T1]V 5116; cig oiév T8 j3pa:xv1{pag :1po0e0‘;1z’ag, In all criminal cases the appear- ’E,, ,,4,-,, ,,01,,1,,j ,9;,,,] ,; ,,pO6_ onml ance in court of said consular oiii- 5M,,,,-,,- z,,,,; Sgpnygyou ,,p0g£_ G6? Slim} be d9m9·¤d9d» With·9·H ‘VlJ¢0'l7 aizalhflov évnivnov 106 P°$$ib°B'!`€8`“·I'd to the consular dif? 6 z uaorrypf ov Oéhu Qm·si’o‘0a1 nity anfto the duties of l1lB office. lug;-d 117; yrpdg 16 J£·,'{m;wz uai td ` J l xa0r}1¢0v·ra a1.i·ro6 ooedopévryg lll l . azilaociug, lt shall be the duty of said con- Of _ eipryzévoz Hpoievzxol sular officer to comply with this aluéklqkoz, Oékovaw {rs: ro request, without any delay which xuvfpeov va? av;4;mp¢¤5vra: arpdg can be avoided. Nothing in the ·n}v ai’n;o‘iv raérryv, xmpls va? foregoing partof thisarticle,how- zpocdklmaiv ¢Zva;3o7u}v uva}, ever, shall be construed to conilict yy} 6e6nuxzo7Loy1;;4év»yv, "AMmg with the provisions of the sixth ar- re oai6h éu 1057 Ev 1:,5 relevticle of the amendments to the Con- rule: €6a¢iep 106 &'p0pov T0l;TOU ` stitution of the United States, or Jpzioyévmv dzivaraz wd Ek0g; with like provisions in the consti- cig aiv-ri0mw yrpog 10} zpovory- tutionsof the several states,wberc— Gévra Gm} 7017 é?p0pov 6‘°" 7957 by the right is secured to persons 1po1ro7Loy1c5v 1017 Evvrdyparog charged with crimes, to obtain wit- r15v °Hvw;4évmv Hohrczciy 117; nesses in their favor, and to be con- Mpspzm}; 1} vrpog ml 1rpovo»;0év1u fronted with the witnesses against 6u} ·m5v opoezoaiv ozardtfcmv them. ·rc5v Zvvraypdrcnv 16V xarei pépog Hoitzrezév, ual nal?, EE oz" U ini uauovpyrfparz xarpyopoé. psvox 6zxa106v1a1 Yva furroxcod: ·n}v upoaaywyriv paprtipaw zincpaauiaeing nai w} e”L0m6zv si; ¢{v·r1rrapdo‘1ao‘zv rrpog pdprvpag xarn;/opiag.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/830