ooNvENT1oN-GREEGE. §,‘gQ‘g§‘;*f,‘;g¥,$,% A.RTICI.E V. ’iAp0pOV ,5°'_ mags at Consuls-general, consuls, Vi<>9— Oi ygymei yppéievoz, wpdés- COUSUIS and eeusular agents may vm, ziyrovrpcigcvoz ua) vrpoésvzuoi place over the outer door of their ,,pa§,,-mpeg ggyayyql V’q?Vqp-m;- offices the arms of their nation, 6,,, ,;,,8;,,,},,,, ,,7; ggmnpmg; with this inscription: Consulate- ,9,j/,,,5. Tc,;,, ypapgfmy mjugy, General, or Consulate, or Vice- .,5,, 3,4,65,, .,05 évaygvg M5-mw Consulate, or Consular Agency of ,,6.,,,) .,,7; g,,,ypmMg · Igylmjy the United States or of Greece. Hpoggygigy, g Kpogsygioy, ij °T1ro1rp0Eeveiov, 5 Hpogsvzxev ` Hpaxropsiov ·m5v °Hvw;.¢évcm»· . Holtz-rmt5v 1} 15*5 °EMd60s. They may also Miss the Hag Of Aiivavraz eiaudring we apes. their country on their offices. .,,5,, gg,,,,,,},, 0·,7/Jaiay 57;; 106 They may in like manner, raise the ,,},0,5,-·$y,),0,; ,,u-;ao··njya-0g_ Hag of their C0l1DlS1‘y 0V€I' lll1G boat Aqjygyraz ciyoiwg 1/J 151/J65G': 1777/ employed by them in the Port for 501/ruriv fvrypaiav xai én} 701; the exercise of their functions. ,j,,’ m}’T,·,5V gy 195 XU4f1w; xpm;-1- ' povrrotovpévov itpcig 5vai0‘u1y0’1v _ . rv5v }ld07]Jl(;'YTC¤JV aziraiv nkoiov. ABTICITE VI. ”Ap0p0v 6`°’.
- ·>f¤¤¤- The consular offices shall at all Tg yrpogsvxxqi ypagésia c"o‘ovtimes be inviolable. The local ma gv nav-ri Xpévqv cimxpabiaauthorities shall not, under any 0--uy_ A;' fyxcépzoz zfpxal Evrpretext, invade them. In no case m}6e,uzti 1rpo¢da·ez Géwxvnxz vu?
shall they examine or seize the eiaxmpcéezv sig azinf, Tn? papers there deposited. ln no ypa¢eia‘·raz51a év 01}:92;;:4 mscase shall those offices be used as pmrc5o·ci6z5vavra; wd ,ypr;0‘1,ue1}- places of asylum. lVhen a con— mrrw ais zi?0‘vAm»_ "Unw 6 npé sular officer is engaged in other Ewa; yerépxerai ua} épyaaiav business the papers relating to the uva}, ra? 5}/ypuqm rm} npozfevei. consulate shall be kept separate. mi Oéllovm ¢l7ACéTT€(T0(/Yl mgmpzeméva. ARTICLE VH. ”Ap0pov 7°". ’”“l“’ Ill the event of the death, inca— ,EV vrépzrtraidez Oar/airov, xwpacity or absence of consuls-gen- hiya10g if dnovciag m5v yeneral, consuls, vice-consuls and xc5v vrpofévmv, rrpofiévmv, consular agents, their chancellors zivzozrpoéévmv ual npoéevzmév Ol` Secretaries, whose official char- vrpaxrdpmv 0[ ypapparsig aa}- acter may have previously been 167, 36c.w 1} e`zrio‘r;yog i6ZC;T7]§' made known to the Department of stile rrpmyyvvufvws céVrv¢0Wm0r} State at Washington or to the rc,5 °T7r0vyaicp ·rr.5v ’Ef;`m1spum$v Ministry of Foreign Affairs in év Oziaezyxnévz rc.} °1"1mvp- Greece, may temporarily exercise ysigv raiv ,EEm1epmc.3v év °E7L- their functions, and while thus Mich 6z5vavnu wi fx12M5a: acting they shall enjoy all the zpoampzvég Tc} ua01}x0v·ra inci-