coNvEN·r1oN-eaaaom. 27 rights, prerogatives and lll1I1I1I11i- vmv uard 11}v Gxqipxczav 6.5 T1}; ties granted to the incumbents. ,,,,,0,-6,,,,, ,,,7; .,,,1;.,,,g 6,E,,8,j,,_ sears, 0é7L0v0‘zv Jrroitadaz miv. 1mv T05V dzxazmpdrmv, yrpovo. pimv ual airekszriiv ·rc5v xmpq. yovpévwv ei; T0!); zrpoibvayé. vous 1657 Oécamv, A1zr1cL1=: VIII. »»Ap0/my 8,,. Consuls-general and consuls 0;,,8,,,,,0) ,,;,,358,,0, ,,,1; ,,06;;-£_ vieeuhu may, so far as the laws of their ,,0,, g¢’ gc-0,, 0,* ,,6,,0, .,,7; xépag °°““"” country allow, with the approba- mj-may g,"-,·pg,mv°-1 -,0,;-,0, 3,}. tion of their respective govern- ·yq·y·[g;, fg 5,,,,,,;,,-E, -,6;,, 0;,,£;“,,,_ ments, appoint vice—cousuls and ;w,6epv¢}c·emv,v& dwpiqmuzv ozoconsular agents in the cities, ports npoéévovs nai zrpoésvmoxis updand places within their consular umpas év nd; 7l'6A.£6°l, Azpéaz nai jurisdiction. 151:01s 10iS uepzlapffuvopévozs V 51/16; TI); rrp0E8V1x?;; dI;TG;V 71spz¢epeia;. These agents may be selected O1'-1$1r¢irAA1yX01 015701 dovavrax ' from among citizens of the United ni éxkéymvzaz paraéb univ uph- States or of Greece, or those of rév 1¢a5vYIvnopévmv 1I0L11am5v?`; other countries. They shall be 1F;€iE7L7té60S, r`} meraé:) ozquémv furnished with a regular commis- ¢`?M¤¤=v xf·¤P¢·?V· @é7¥0¤¤'W ·€¢0· sign, and Shall enjoy the prjvj- QSILQCEGOGI 6ui1ax1z:¢o661u1épaleges stipulated for consular oiii- "°f wi °%A°”f"" ¤"'°7lf'*5** {6V cers in this convention, subject to 6*** T'}; UU/*/3¤“‘·f “'”‘§’I‘-V *»"'$P the exceptions specified in articles "5" ”/’°‘E“""‘5' ””"AA'7A°" ’“*' Anu,25. 3 and 4_ 0op1Co;dvmv upovopfwv, 61:0- fulldpcvoz cis rn}: 5v 10iS ¢Yp0p0zS 392 ual 4c,: 1rpoa610p¢C0;4évaS E6- azpéders. ARHCLK IX. ”Ap0p0y 9a!. Consuls-general, consuls, vice- Oiyevzxol vrpdéevo., npézfevoz, ,,,,§’,‘j'f"" consuls and consular agents shall 1}1r01rp6Eevoz ual vrpoéavzuol have the right to address the ad- npéuropss Hélovazv {Qu 16 6mmministrative and judicial autl1ori— uma valuirrsv01ivmvra1, Ev pév 1aTG ties, whether in the United States 7{vmpévazs Uolrrsfazs npés nl; of the Union, the States or the 6¢¤v¢rrw¢¢iS»¢ul 6¤¢¤·6w¢&;¢}px&¢ municipalities, or in Greece, of ·nis6,u00nov6iag,1c.5v nokzrezdiv, the State, throughout the whole 1} 1057 6r},uc.:v, év 62 1§ 'Ellkdcz extent of their consular jurisdic~ npc: rd; Gmzmyrnwis ual 6zuu0’1z- tion, in order to complain of any nds aipxris ro:} upairovs, 1::10, infraction of the treaties and con- Emxaav n}v Euraazv Ms n·po£e· ventions between the United States vnu}; aorév uspzgicpefas, 3W67E and Greece, and for the purpose dzapaprzipwvraz uani vraidrys of protecting the rights and inter- uapabidasms ·rr.5v yaraézi -m$v ests of their countrymen. If the 'Hvmpévmv II0Kz1£1¢5V xal 1f,-; complaint should not be satisfac- TIAA0f60s Gozarapévcov 0·vv01;uc5v torily redressed, the consular oth- nai ovypiéasmv, nai 6'zms érrspa-
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