CONVENTION—GREECE. cers aforesaid, in the absence of a G.m»;G,0-I ng 5;,,,,,,, Ka) T,} guy. diplomatic agent of their Country, ¢épov1a rév o‘v;ur0lz·m$v dI5ft5V. may “PPlY dh`°°t]Y to tim g0V°I'¤· {Av of dzapaprvplaz mi·rc5v pn) ment of the country where they ,',,,,,,0,mm0u;gw, oz" upcezpqpévoz exercise their functions. yrpogeymei 1,$1rdAAqAoz, elleé/:61 6l7l’A.C0}ldT13(01j dvrmpoaeivrov 1175 éamév xqipas, Jévavraz V, viva- ¢e(pmv·raz ein, év0s1’aS xpos rriv xvbépvnazv rigs xépas ev siax- ~ \ nu ARTICLE X. dxovdz fd ua01;uo1r·ra uvrmv. ’“‘"" Consulsgeneral, consuls, vice- Apgpw 10W' . consuls and consular agents may Oiyevmoi zrpéeievcz, zrpciéevoz, take at their offices, at their pri- éuozpééevoz nai npoéevzuol vate residence, at the residence of zrpdxropes ézumoérrm vn} 6é-A the parties, or on board ship the xwvrm e’v mis ypaqiaiozs mireiv, depositions of the captains and ér rais ichazrsxais aéraiv uarozcrews of vessels of their ewn eeuu- xiazs, iv raf: xarozuiazs m5v év- try, of passengers on board of ,6#{¥¢€P°/‘é'*'·”’ 5 gf} "°5" "}°i°”' them, and of any other citizen of 'ag ""’“0‘i€‘"s "“'{" ”A°{“pX°{' their nation. They may also re- ’f“'i "§’7/’"{‘“"“"' "A°"*Z’* **7* ceive at their cilices, conformably °“"'“Z' ·¥“?p"g* mw '""*6‘f"°'”;""'i to um hwg and regulations of WTYEOSETEEOU7l0A1"I'(1UTT{SxG7[]¢!i their country; all contracts be- "$”°W' mfyuytul °'°°°""'°g V? tween the citizens of their country ‘i‘Z"‘”"“' ‘}' ’°" Z""'¢f"°'€ ""` and the citizens or other inhabi- Twig GWMGWWS Tpo; toviyoyofjg tants of the country where they mil huwiyw/wifi; nig liu0T6W reside, and even all contracts be- xmplig nlm/Ta Ta .6v/leo auf lm . TGEU Twv rtolrtcov *r1]S xwpas tween the latter, provided they mini? m12H5V HOMMBV Q} gum, Eelate to property s1tuated,.or to muduwy mg {V 9; gépéovm fancy, usrness tolbe transacted, in the Xa) mimi gn rd Mragl) MBV territory ot the nation to which Tdsvraimy Tmgmw GU/m.6AaIa, the Said °°"Sul°'r °m°°r may be' eipuci ral ov,u[1’d/laza raairu viévu- 1°ng‘ ¢épwv·ra1 sig idzoxrrmiav nswé- vryv if ei; 1in00s6s1s 6zeEu,y0na’0- _ peru; érzi rm? é6a7¢0v; TI}; xsi a- ai "v dv 'xovazv oz, ei 5- ¤¤¤rr Such papers and oHicial docu- EO: ytpigevixeri zS1rvZAM;R0z.p'W ments, Wl16th0I` in the 01'igllml., in Tomzira cj;/ypa¢a nai €’7f{O'7”.lO1 copies or in translation, duly au- arpéfus, eés év npcwrorémp, ei}: thenticated and legalized by the év &v·rzypé¢czs Q} ,uem¢péa*sz, consuls-general, consuls, vice—con— éeévmns fzrzueuvpwyéva ua) ém- suls and consular agents, and 0'7]}lO7Z'0l1][l€Vd 1}::6 miv yevzuév sealed with their official seal, shall nporfévwv, rrpofévaw, éyrcvrpoéé- be received as legal documents in VGW M1} 7¢’/>0€€*’v¢¢i5*’ 7¢`P¢U¢T¢;/?€¤7V; courts of justice throughout the 6,0; ¢P¤}’10'y€V¢1 65 6M} T05V im- United States and Greece. W7/4G?' ¤v‘f¤?V <7¢P¤}’{6¤W, 090v- aw afvaz (SEXTLQ cis 1»6;u;1a .s'v 102: Jzuaoreypfozs ·re5v °Hvm,uévmv 1I0- Arrezév xal 159 2E11E60S,
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