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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/834

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o0NvENT10N—eREEoE. 2129 » · ARTICLE XI. ”Ap0p0v ]1····_ IH the Oilsé of the death of any Ev yrepurrqiaei Gaydrov yp0M'- Noticeiof death in . . , . one country of citizen citizen of the United States in 1ov 11V(;S 1C5V °fiveo,uévow Ho- ofrho other- Grcece, or of a Greek subject in Arrezév Ev IZA7th2oz F} "Eilhyvos the United States, without having émyuoov év raf: Yfvmpévazs 1Ioany known heirs or testamentary lrrsiazs, pr} €'xov·roS 6e Gxwpzdpfexecutors by him appointed, the Vovis Mzgpovohovf ii éxrolwréf · com tent local authorities shall T;/F W ml? ovfoo 7"*"·’°"¤¤)F» di, givepinformation of the circum- ¤;P/*66*0* €}’X¤;P¤°¢ épxvéi 0·‘?§°U· stance to the consular oficers of 6"Q *i6°"°"i "Pi "°'2 J"}’°’f°"'°g the nation to which the deceased "fvg f'/’°‘E‘f"'ff"", 'f"“AE'7{°"5 belongs, in order that the neces- mg 7{“’p‘f',g E'; V" “"'7’f_‘" f’ f"'°' sary information may be imm·e— $[:3; Zjggzlfglazilgg/Z: g:;:},;,;`?:,?-wardcd to the parties vous npoowixovaa eioozoiwyozs. _ In all that relates to the admin- ’Ev yréoz mis &¢op¤5o·w ei: niv S¤=¢1o¤¤o¤¢¤f¤¤¤¤¤¢ istration and settlement of estates, o`zoz’m;o·w na) ·n}:» .§mm0dpzo‘zv the consular officers of the high miv uhypovopxoiv, oi rrpciffevoz contracting parties shall have the raiv Jgmxeiv avpoalhoyévwv same rights and privileges as pspciv Béitovaw {ye: mi mird those accorded in ·the United ozxuzciyarauai vrpovoym Erzva States of America and Greece, re- rrapéxovraz Ev raf; °Hvm;4évazg spectively, to the consular officers Holzreiaxs 16; ’A;,¢spzm7s ual, of the most favored nation. ucar, dpozpazorma, év °EMé6`z, cig TOT}; npoéévovg 106 pélkcv . szivoovyévov xpérovg, AVHCLE XIL . ”Ap0pov1:2°'. _ Cousulsgcnamls consulss Vice' Oz'yav1xoi1rp<i5evoz,1rp¢iEsvo1, ,,i$:':,°dmt{,_i° mp consuls andoconsular agentsoshall ,;,,,,,,;,,;,4;:,,,,,, xd; ,,7,0;,,,,,,0; h¤vo_o¤o¤¤¤1vo¤h¤rzoof ¢ho¤¤¢¤r- rrpaixropag saw &m.nm.»...;g nal order of the merchant vessels _,;,,E¢0p,,°-,,;,0, T,),, ,;,a.,·,;p,,O·l,, of their nation and shall alone .,,7g ,,,;,;-60,; g,,,,;; .,,5,, g,u,,,,p,_ take cognizance of differences ,,,5,, ,,i0;,_,,, .,6; gavféy xcgpas which may arise either at SGD. Ol' uq) Jmdcgugi novo; rd; nivuin port between the captains, oiii- ,;,,0,,;,,,,,; Tv, 6,, 6w,¢0pd; ,.;*,8 cers and crews, without exception, ,,,,.,0; .,6,, ,,10,;,, 6,**,.E g,, ,9; particularly in reference to the M,,;,,, /_,E.,a_,;:,) ,.05,, ,,.;wmgpx,_,,,’ adjustment of wages and tho °x°‘ eifzmparzxciv ua} yrhrypmiufrmv oution of Q0¤tmctS· Jvefazpércog, idims 6e ni; Jqiopcooag ei; mv uavovzoyeov raw p160c5v ual nfv éxréhcdrv dupj3oXaic.7v, In case any disorder should hap- °Oo‘cPmg airafiia ng cope;'] pen on board of vessels of either £:7Zd zrltoicnv 1015 érépov pépovg, party, in the territory or waters irri 1027 é6d¢ov; 3 Ev roig {56am of the other, neither the Federal, 100 frfpov, ofire aipxal J Jum. State or Municipal Authorities or Grripuz rrisdpomrovoiag, 1457 Tm.