ooNvENr1oN-ensmon. Courts in the United States, nor hl7E1Q5V 5 11.5v 65;4c.w év· 1a?;' any Court or Authority in Greece, 'Hvmpévazg H-OAlTE{dl§, ozioé 61- shall on any'pretext interfere cx- mw·15p16v Tl 5 oipxr} Ev °E7L7tai6z cept when the said disorders are Héltez 511, odcepzq 11po¢do·.sz évrs;4- of such a nature as to cause or to paivez, éxrog div az' eipqpévuz be likely to cause a breach of the tlzfdgidl efve T01d17TH! 5612 va} peace or serious trouble in the zrpouahéamazv 5 1¢a*rao‘·r5o'mc'zv port or on shore; or when, in such év6`e,yo,uév5v 15v Jzaadkevazv trouble or breach of the peace, a 15; Jqpoaiag TdiE£G7§ 5 copapdv person or persons shall be impli— 1apax5v iv 195 A1[lé’V1 5 fj Erjpgf, cated, not forming a part of the 5 3TdV év 1aig 1apa,yaig 1d15- crew. 1azg ezipio‘xmv1m Jvausyzy- péva Sv 5 uksiova 1rp6o‘rmra p5 aiv5uov1a sig 15 nlrfpwpa,
- ¤°¤· In any other case, said Federal, °E v néag; 4iMy wap1w11n5e1e: az'
State or Municipal Authorities or eipqpévaz aipxai ual 6mao·15pza Courts in the United States, or 1ijgd;zoo‘1rov6iug, 1.’(i;'V7t'0AlTE1(5V Courts or Authorities in_ Greece, 5 1657 65pwv Ev 1aig°Hvm;.¢évazg shall not interfere but shall render HOAIT£{d1§, 5 TL; 6zxao·15pza nai forcible aid to consular officers, az' aipxal év °EMd6z, Jév Hékovwhen they may ask it, to search, env Eueppaivez, JAM} 0e'7Lovo‘z_ arrest and imprison all persons uapéxaz miauv a·vvd‘po;u}v ei; composing the crew, whom they T0!}; zpoéévovg, eiiv 06701 {pn}. may deem it necessary to confine. dmoz Td‘Llf1]V, 31m2s civevpi- Those persons shall be arrested at owmaz, dvkkappdvmoz ual ¢v7Lathe sole request of the consuls xiqmaa miv zrpéamuov aivrjuov addressed in writing to either the 1:,5 1r7L1;pc5,ua1z mx0i 06 50s7m Federal, State or Municipal Courts xpz¢95 dvayxaiov 16 nérpov 0rAuthorities in the United States, 70670, Tv} yrpoamna Tlltlyfd 05- or to any Court or Authority in love': o‘v7t7ta;,¢,8dveo·0az 15 a?117\5 Greece, and supported by an of- t¥iT7;U£L T05V zrpoésvzndiv dmv7t- ficial extract from the register of Mjhmv ¢inav0vvopév;;éyypd¢m;, the ship or the list of the crew, iv pév ·rais°1Ivcm5vazs Holzrciand the prisoners shall be held, ru; npc; T&S nipxdg 5 ml 6mmduring the whole time of their stay 0*15pux T7}; 6,uoo·7rov6ia;, 1e.5v· in the port, at the disposal of the HOA11E1E5V' 5 fév 65,ur.w, dv consular officers. Their release °EMLai6z 6s npc; TISS Jppooiag shall begrantedatthemererequest épydg 5 61xaa·15pm· érriovypov of such officers made in writing. Jnéanaaya 1:.5v [9ZpAiCn7V TOC The expenses of the arrest and nltoiov 5 1013 vavroiloyiov Oéltez dotontion of those persons, Shall éméamn evvooeéel np aibymy bo void by tho oonsoinr oiiooro- many- or as upamamyé W/O1 0éAovo‘z, ucv0i ohyv 15v dzaip- Jceuvv f17S 5v 1135 A1;4£v1 yrapapovijg 701; nkolov, 1i0ao‘0a1 ci; T7}V_61dl0£G'lV TGBV vrpoéfévcav, °H ¢1;7l'O¢UAt1:Kl0'1§ azirrjv Evspyry- 0T56E1d! shi 15 ink;} diT7;6'€l nby 1rpo£évmv 1o1i·rc.1v yzvopévgy éy- ypaigbms. Az' darraivaz Tl7S' Gul-